Chapter 4 - The pieces begin to fit

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A/N: Sorry it's taken a while for this chapter, I got caught up with some other things and I was also once again on some serious writers block. I keep running into the problem where I have a game plan for the whole story and I'm super excited to write some plot turning points that are a good few chapters away. But I have little to no ideas for the fillers between those fun chapters that I know exactly what I'm writing. But, I know I cannot afford to ignore these chapters and but little to no effort into them due to the fact it's the chapters to the biggest character development and imaging for the audience
TL;DR- I'm motivated to write sooner chapters,  but have nothing in mind and it is also boring and tedious to write the filler chapters. But I also know I have to get it done since the boring chapters are important character and plot wise. 

Any who I do apologize for taking so long. Hopefully y'all enjoy what I put together. I did try, but like I said these are the more boring chapters so I apologize if it seems either rushed or stale. I did try my best. 

I hope you all enjoy chapter 4, and have a great day :3 


Entry 4. 30XX.

It was a pretty quiet day, that day. Myself and Nikolai were in one of the break rooms, eating some snacks and talking about ourselves. He looked at me as I finished laughing. "Hey, it's not that funny!" He pouted.

I wiped a tear from my eye and smiled. "If you ask me, it kind of is." I giggled back. "I do apologize though. I simply couldn't help it." I added.

He waved it off as he took a bite of his ice cream. "You're fine, it's not that big a–" he stopped mid sentence and frowned.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake. I looked over at my water glass where the water inside had ripples and was moving. The ground then started to shake violently. I screamed as the overhead light hooks came undone and swung open, ceiling dust raining down. I quickly realized it was an earthquake.

"Quick, get under the table!" I yelled over the commotion as the lights rapidly flickered as the shaking got louder, stuff starting to fall off the shelves and counters.

He didn't even hesitate, crawling under the table with me as the ground continued to shake. He looked at me as we got underneath, grabbing the middle pole of the table, huddling close to it. "What's going on?!" He hollered.

"It's an earthquake!" I told him, realizing he had probably never really felt one before. I swallowed hard as I started to silently pray. I hadn't felt an earthquake this big in a long time. I looked at the floor as it started to crack. I squeezed my eyes tight and held onto the table for dear life, whimpering in fear.

The shaking got very intense for a few seconds, parts of the ceiling cracking and raining down on the table. Finally the shaking stopped. My heart was pounding as I tried to catch my breath. I sighed in relief. "Oh thank god." I muttered.

We both crawled out from under the table. The room was trashed now. Nurse Megan then flew open the door and ran into the room, hurrying over to the two of us. "Good lord, are you two okay?" She asked frantically, trying to catch her breath.

"We're fine. Just startled." Nikolai answered. "Not hurt." I nodded to confirm his statement.

I then heard one of the alarms go off. Megan ran over to the door to see nurses rushing to one of the patient rooms. She looked at us sternly. "Stay here and don't come out til i get you, okay?" She instructed before closing the door as she headed out, locking it behind her and running off.

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