Chapter 1 - Wake Up

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I had finished talking with Sensei and began heading towards the side exit of the school. At that point, I just wanted to get home and take a nice hot bath to calm me down. I went over to my locker, changing into my shoes before heading out. I couldn't wait to just get home. That was until I walked outside and felt just how hot and humid it was. I groaned to myself as I walked towards the metro station. It felt like being in Satan's hot tub. Not even a nice one, just like stupidly hot and utter hell. I got to the platform just as the sky started to turn grey, and clouds began to cover the skies.

My receiver went off with an alert saying there would be some rain coming within the next half an hour. I found it a little odd, considering the government usually gives an earlier notice for weather changes. That and the forecast for the entire day was supposed to be sunny. In addition, the alert said the rain was a show for the celebration of the 20 year anniversary of the creation and succession of the domes. You would think they would do a firework show or something of that nature but hey, who doesn't like some rain.

    I just wish I knew that day the government's true intentions. Exposing everyone... Just for a science experiment. It was sickening and makes me sick to my stomach to this very day. Regardless, what happened can't be changed. Nothing went right after the alert went out. It was like dominoes, except it got faster the closer you got to the end, and... There was no end. It went on forever.

As I stood at the platform, waiting for the DRTS train, I heard thunder rumble as the wind began to pick up a bit. Myself and a few others along the platform looked at the darkening sky. I could hear some people whispering their worries and doubts. Something about the weather system being broken. I simply shrugged it off as the person in charge of the weather alert sent the wrong automated one out. The train arrived and I got on, glancing outside to see the clouds gathering and churning not far in the distance. Per the etiquette, everyone got quiet as they entered the train, putting their receivers on vibrate and phones on silent. I did the same once I found a place to stand, seeing as there were no seats available. I put in some earbuds, turning on some music to try and distract my busy mind, calm down a bit.

I sat there, playing some games on my receiver. I felt my phone vibrating in my skirt. I took it out to see my friends texting about the weather. I didn't bother to put my two cents in, not exactly in the mood to be dealing with drama. Finally, I was at my stop. Hadn't noticed though, had it not been for one of my classmates on the train shaking my shoulder. They startled me and I took out my earbuds.

"This is your stop, right? Don't you live here in Gohan?" She asked.

I sighed in relief seeing it was someone I knew before nodding. "Yeah. I didn't even notice the train stop, thank you." I said, bowing my head out of respect.

She nodded with a smile. "You're welcome, see you tomorrow at the assembly!" The girl said, waving as she got off as well.

I nodded, "See you," I said, waving back slightly before putting one earbud back in as I filed out with some other townspeople.

At that time, my family and I lived in a little town on the outskirts of the city. We had to live in a close yet secluded area of our dome because of mom and dad's job. Kid's only knew me because of my parents. The parents who worked in the fourth and sixth quadrant. Only certain people got to have government jobs. Back then, the 4th quadrant workers were called the Quaesitor. These we're the scientists for the government. My mother had been one.  And dad was in the sixth quadrant, working as a lawyer in the city hall. They were known as Scurra.

People used to call me Scursitor when they first found out about my parents. They stopped after there was an assembly and the school made disciplinary threats towards students that would make fun of kids who had governmental parents. Some kids like myself got it so bad it became physical bullying instead of just verbal.

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