Chapter 6 - The Man with the Green Eyes

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Entry 9 - 30XX

I can't believe I'm already at entry 9. I apologize for the water spots, to whoever may find this. It's been raining constantly. Writing with an ink pen has already been such a struggle. But hopefully the book didn't get too ruined. Anyways. It had been about a month since we got to the facility.

We had adjusted to life in our new "home," so to speak. But the hard truth was we missed our families and friends. Some of us were already friends. Which was nice. But some of us were on our own, like Hayley. Not many of us liked her so she was alone. Even though we had adjusted, myself and Nikita still had our suspicions. We knew we couldn't escape, at least not anymore. But we did want to uncover the past. Or at least as much as we could.

Through the last month, they had given us medicine to help us with any long-term side affects and any psychological trauma, as they had put it. After doing some research, sneaking around the facility and files, we had only found that the government believed we had special abilities. They had found out that I had unlocked mine, but of course the others had still to unlock theirs. Over the month since we arrived, Agent Hawthorne had become our teacher. He taught us defense and attack strategies, should we ever get attacked again. Or so we were told.

It was, more or less, the same thing day after day. Wake up, eat, go to the gym and exercise, break, lunch, classes for a few hours, then train with small breaks between, dinner, chores, showers or baths every other day, homework, and bed. 11pm for the older kids, 9pm for the younger. Rinse and repeat. I had always hated being on such a strict and consistent schedule. I missed the normal life of a human, going to school then hanging out with friends. I didn't even know if I had friends before all of this happened. The memories of the past were blurs in my mind. Faces replaced with nothing, and names simply forgotten. I had no clue of who I once was.

Finally the once placid and rigid schedule we had loosened up. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were still around the same time. No more gym, oddly enough. But we had shorter classes, and breaks. The first day it happened when they told us, I was unsure of what to think.

Sitting at Lunch, which had been moved to after classes, Morgan was the first one to speak. "Anyone else think its a bit odd they changed our schedule around?" She asked. A soft breeze floated past. We all had decided to eat up on the roof, away from the staff. They also didn't have any of the listening devices up there. At least I didn't find any. So we always ate up there when we needed to discuss things. "Especially shorter class times. What the hell is that all about?"

Nikita sighed, leaning back and looking up at the sky. I remember how the sky had been such a brilliant hue of blue, not a cloud in sight, so it was relatively warm. But winter was on the way. The slight breezes made the goosebumps and hairs on my body stand up, even under the uniforms we wore. "I wouldn't worry about it much." He spoke calmly, not even fazed. His accent was not as heavy as it had been a month ago. He had started to pick up on American vowels and pronunciations, except for when it came to his R's. He still had a tendency to slightly roll them.

"It's a little odd but I don't think its something we need to panic over." Hayley muttered as she munched on her sandwich, talking with her mouth full. I heard Alejandro make a noise of disgust to my left as he scrunched up his nose.

"Can you please not talk with your mouthful, or at least cover your mouth if you're going to do that?" He asked, sighing, taking a bite of his own sandwich after he spoke, chewing and swallowing before he spoke up again. "Geez. I thought Americans had more manners. But the longer we hang out the more I figure out that's nothing but a lie."

Hayley scoffed. She swallowed her food before talking this time, though. "Now that is just rude, and I thought I was an ass." She half chuckled.

My gaze went back to the sky. I closed my eyes, feeling a stinging feeling in my nose as I inhaled, the scent of moisture filling my senses. "A storm?" I muttered to myself out loud, not really thinking.

Nikita then put his hand on my shoulder. "You okay, Shirai?" He asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Everyone was staring at me, clearly with concern. I probably seemed insane to them.

"I-I'm fine, I was just saying lunch is going to be over in a few," I corrected, blushing a bit as I rubbed the back of my head. "We should go get dressed and meet Agent Hawthorne in the training room."

As if on cue, all of our watches vibrated and made a small ding noise, letting us know we had just a few minutes to get to the training room. We all packed our things, standing up and heading to the training room, going down the stairs and down the elevator to the first floor. "You have an impeccable sense of time, Shizuko." Morgan half-chuckled.

I simply nodded back as we headed into the locker room. We all changed into the training clothes we had been given. They were these grey almost skin-tight pants and short sleeve shirts. They had us wear these black in color combat boots along with buckle straps and a side zipper, along with our choice of a turtle-neck long sleeve shirt if we so wished, and fingerless gloves. All of it was lightweight, of course. It had to be so we could move with little restrictions. Once everyone was dressed, we all walked out into the training room area. It was a small concrete room with a few weapons hung on either of the room, and some equipment for different things here and there. We hadn't gone in there much, if at all. It was more a spare room we used than anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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