Chapter 14: New Getaway

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– y/n's pov –

"What is the effect of Amortentia?" asked Professor Snape and I was very certain that he just wanted to embarrass me in front of the entire class, but he picked a wrong person.

Amortentia was one of my favourite potions that I'd read over and over about. This Gryffindor girl that Amber told me about, Hermione, had her hand put up high for Snape to notice her. I heard she's the top of the class.

"Well, if you cared enough you would be able to –" Professor Snape continued looking at me with a condescending stare, but I cut him off.

"Amortentia is a love potion and it causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker. It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most... Attractive." I felt the startled look on Snape and the rest of the class including Draco. As if my confidence bothered him further, he asked more questions, but I never backed down.

"How long does the potion last?"

"A single dose usually lasts up to 24 hours"

"What does the author warn us about this potion?"

"That it doesn't create actual love, and that it's impossible to manufacture or imitate love but the drinker will become instantly infatuated with the person who administered it, and hold an obsession only for that person."

"What are the steps to brewing it?" His voice raised as if how I didn't comply with his expectation enraged him.

"First, drop an ashwinder egg into the cauldron. Accordingly, these serpent eggs are common ingredient in most love potions. Next add in a handful of rose thorns, refined peppermint oil, and a moonstone. Stir well the mixture until steam rises from the cauldron in spirals and you'll begin to smell a strong aroma." When I finished my ardent speech, the room was silent. Then Cedric began clapping and so did the rest. I smiled shyly but Snape's comment caused the room to fall back into silence.

"Wrong," Snape found his calm and contained voice back, showing a sign of triumph. Did I forget something?

"Pearl dust. You missed out the most important ingredient,"

Oh, shit.

"A single mistake can be quite significant. In this world," He spoke as if I'm an unwelcome outsider. Draco smirked. For the rest of the class, I just wanted to stay as quiet as possible except that Draco didn't.

We were tasked to brew Draught of Peace potion and Draco and I paired up. I mean more like Draco forced me to. He went to grab the ingredients while I was setting up the cauldron the way I've read about it in the book. I heard Draco's footsteps making his way back to the table, which stopped right behind me. Soon after, I felt a cold sharp something touching my neck.

It was the Valerian root that Draco was pointing at my neck. To keep me standing still, he then came around and stood beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders while still holding the plant at my neck.

"I got us the best one, Lascelles. So beautiful and -" He whispered and I felt his cold hand caressing my face until...

"- sharp" my neck twinged.

"Ouch!" I let out a low moan of pain. Draco moved away and I touched my neck. There was a small spot of blood on my finger.

I couldn't believe that he really did this. A helping boy all of a sudden turned really malicious. Or maybe this was just who he was and has been and it was just me who wanted to believe in the good in him in the first place. I've been completely wrong about him. Worse, he kept reminding me of Christian, the actions he forced upon me. My hands began trembling slightly.

"Your answers were quite splendid. Hi, my name is Hermione Granger. It's really nice to meet you." As I stood still, stunned, Hermione walked up to me and talked brightly.

"Thanks." I couldn't even turn to look at her face. Hermione noticed the sign of horror on my face and asked in a worried voice.

"Are you alright?" I couldn't answer her. I couldn't say I'm alright. I just needed to get out of this place badly. So, I did something.

"Merlin's beard!" Hermione screamed in horror. I put my right hand in the boiling cauldron. Draco's eyes widened, filled with shock, and pushed me away from the cauldron hurriedly. It was painful but endurable. Professor Snape ran over to us. I just continued staring into blank space.

"Somebody take her to the Hospital Wing right now." As Snape fiercely demanded the class, Cedric came over and took a close look at my hand.

"I'll take her." Cedric said calmly but I needed some time alone.

"I can go by myself." I pulled myself away from Cedric, still staring blankly, and sprinted out of the classroom, out of the building.

I needed the Olive tree. I needed my home back. My friends. My parents. Knowing that none are in reach-able distance, tears quickly filled up my eyes.

I ran until I saw an empty field that looked like a football pitch, just with six hoops built high up in the air and towers surrounding the field. 

Wait, they aren't just towers. They seemed like stands. I wandered around the field slowly and climbed up one of the stands.

Sitting all alone at an empty stand, looking down at an empty field, I never felt more homesick and so... lonely. It reminded me of my old school, the field I would run around cheering with my team.

I broke down. I was so scared of all the unimaginable future events and more scared by my inability to escape this frightening place. I thought I was doing better at getting used to this absolutely messed up indescribable situation, but I was completely wrong.

Out of all, I was only sure of this one thing that it would take a really long time and effort until I'm able to say that I'm "alright"

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