Chapter 50: Convoluted Minds

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– y/n's pov –

Tonight meant a great deal. I must act calm. Voldemort must not know.

Kyle's family and I arrived at the Malfoy Manor after the sunset. It was... weird coming back to his house, the place where Draco and I left traces of memories together. We walked into the manor, greeted by Mr. Malfoy.

"You're late, Nott, but don't worry. He hasn't arrived yet." 

He then led us through the large, dimly lit hallway with the eyes of the pale-faced portraits on the walls following us as we strode past.

Soon, we arrived at the dining hall; it was once empty and dark but now sumptuously decorated with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor, though still very dark. All death eaters were already present, seated around the long table. They rose from their chairs as I entered, nodding politely.

My eyes searched the room and then... they caught him. Draco was standing there at the end of the table. I thought he was supposed to be in Hogwarts.

I stared at him but he didn't give me a single glance. My mind was so convoluted at that moment. I was happy to see him but at the same time I was angry that I felt that way; I was still angry at him.

Kyle escorted me to the opposite centre of the table and we sat down next to each other. Perfect, I have a perfect view of Draco. I sighed.

"You okay?" Kyle leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry, you got this." He then put out his hand and I grabbed it, nodding slightly. When I turned to look forward, I saw Draco glaring at me. I gave him a glare too before shifting my eyes towards the others.

Suddenly, a cool shudder trickled down my spine. Glancing around nervously, I saw a blinding light from the far end of the table. I winced and the light soon disappeared. Then there he stood. Voldemort...

He was standing in front of my eyes. 

"My Lord!" There were gasps and excited praises from the death eaters. I was standing up just like the rest of the crowd and Kyle held my hand tighter. I looked down at my hand locked in his and... it kind of felt weird. I slowly pulled my hand away from his grip, smiling faintly at him.

"Shhh..." As Voldemort hissed, the room got quiet. His terrifying red eyes scanned the room and... they landed on me, seemingly penetrating my very being. I gulped.

"Come here..." He waved at me and I obediently followed his command. Every instinct in my body was refusing to take steps towards him and I tried so hard not to bring the fears up on the surface.

"My Lord," I stood right next to him, bowing. Voldemort then lifted my chin up with his wand and as it touched my skin, I almost flinched. But then he began staring straight into my eyes. My heart started racing and my breathing got heavier. Y/N, don't be scared. 

He continued to stare in complete silence, and for a long time... Every second, I could feel my heart about to explode. Did he notice..?  And then suddenly, his lips curled into a grin.

"...Good girl." He then turned around to face the crowd.

I sighed in relief and inhaled deeply. I didn't know that I stopped breathing at one point. Then Voldemort began his speech...

"Death eaters! I was ripped from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost... But now, I am alive and powerful... I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want them to do without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me. I can make them hurt if I want to. But, tomorrow, I will be even more powerful..." 

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