Chapter 26: Join Me

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– y/n's pov –

"It was very nice talking to you, Krum." I walked back to the Great Hall, leaving Krum behind. I was so perplexed and the fears that I had forgotten about were creeping up on me again.

I want to be alone. I need a place where nobody can find me.

I was walking with my eyes looking down at the floor, deeply immersed in my thought. Then my head bumped into something, no someone. I looked up and it was Draco. 

He was staring down at me without words. I stared into his startling eyes silently as well. He observed my face and broke the silence.

"What is it?"

"It's none of your business." I didn't want to sound hostile. I didn't mean to. What I actually wanted to do at the very moment was asking him to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. I guess I felt that way because his rather familiar presence was comforting. My head was convoluted and my words didn't match my intentions. I got more frustrated. 

I tried walking past him... but my feet stopped after a few steps. I turned around and flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. The corridor was empty. Thank god. I was soon embarrassed by my action so I pulled away from him swiftly. 

Weirdly, Draco hadn't spoken a word since that question "What is it?" He just stared at me silently. 

"You do things to me so... it shouldn't be weird that I do too." I blurted out of embarrassment and I could feel my face heating up. I turned around to continue my walk back to the Great Hall but Draco grabbed my hand and swung me around into his arms. He gave me a tight hug. His embrace felt warm and relaxing.

"You owe me 15 wishes." He spoke in a low tone.

"What..?" My head was still against his chest and... Shit right I completely forgot about the wishes. Draco was referring to the 1 question 1 wish thing that we did when I first came to Hogwarts.

"I use my very first wish for you to tell me what Krum had to talk to you about."

Then I remembered Krum's ominous remarks that I deliberately ignored...  "There's something Professor Dumbledore does not know... You should leave right now."

"I won't let go until you tell me." I tried pulling myself away from Draco but as I tried, he hugged me tighter.

"I will tell you but not here..."

"I think you should have asked him."

Draco took me to his underground hideaway - where the magical pond was - and I told him about my conversation with Krum. I was sitting on the floor while staring into the pond.

"But I didn't want to..."

"Yea, but you should talk to him again."

Silence followed. Draco was sitting against the wall but he got on his feet and stood close to me near the pond. He took off his robe then... SPLAsH!

"Drac- What are you doing?!" 

Draco jumped into the pond. Draco's head popped out after a while and it seemed like his feet weren't touching the ground. I didn't know but the pond was apparently pretty deep. The magically illuminating pond made sparkly ripples as Draco moved. It seemed even more beautiful with him in it.

"Uh-oh. Hahaha" I laughed at him. His hair that was once nicely combed backwards was now dripping wet. Draco exhaled as he brushed his hair backwards with his hand, while managing to keep his body floating in water. He then brushed off the water on his face and looked at me. He then nodded towards the pond, hinting me to join him.

"No, Draco. No." I chuckled and he splashed the water at me. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the water.

"No no no no no -" I shouted helplessly then... SPLASH. I fell into the pond.

"I CAN'T SWI-" I always admired people who could float in water because I cannot!

"Stop splashing! You're gonna drown both of us! Relax, I got you." Draco grabbed my arms and I held onto him tight. I breathed in and out heavily.

"I'm going... to... kill you!" I chuckled and I raised my one arm to hit his back but he caught it before I could. I was now closer to him. His eyes were on mine, fell on my lips, and back on my eyes. God he looks so hot all wet.

"I'm going to -" I was about to repeat my previous remark but then Draco interrupted with his mouth. He kissed me. 

It was a gentle kiss. His lips brushed mine softly and delicately. But then suddenly, he grabbed my waist and pushed me down a bit. I lost balance and splashed around.

"Hahaha" Draco laughed at me. I rested my arms on the edge of the pond so I don't look like an idiot and looked at him. I burst into laughter as well.

"I like that smile." Draco smirked.

"This is absurd." I chuckled.

"Keep smiling, you're not gonna die... at least not now." He spoke playfully and splashed water at me. He made me laugh and I felt much better.

"Look at them"

There were gasps all around as we entered the Great Hall again. We got hungry and dinner feast wasn't over so we decided to come back. We chuckled at their reactions.

Then my eyes fell on Krum. He was already glaring at me but at the moment, I couldn't care less. I wanted to feel... safe and happy.

I sat down next to Amber and she just had so many questions.

"Why are you all wet and why are you coming back with Draco after leaving with Krum? Girl, you need some explanation here."

"Uh.. We -"

"Y/N and I had detention to clean the Potions room but she managed to spill the water tank," Draco finished my sentence, smirking at Amber then at me.

"and Krum, he has mistaken me for someone else." I talked to Amber while staring at Krum and he was already watching us. I wanted him to hear my words, wanted him to know that I was desperate to escape my harsh reality.

I knew that Hogwarts tended to go overboard when it comes to festivities but Halloween just seemed extra - though extremely beautiful - spectacular here. When I entered the Great Hall with Amber for breakfast, I couldn't take my eyes off of the magical decor; and there were carved pumpkins (no, their faces were changing!) floating in the air!

Draco, Shane, and Kyle greeted us as we joined the Slytherin table. They were already busy discussing Halloween at Hogwarts and everyone seemed thrilled. Then my eyes caught Krum. He was seated near the far edge of the table with his schoolmates and I was near the centre. His eyes promptly caught me staring at him and I awkwardly nodded.

Hogwarts breakfast has always been great (though incomparable to dinner) but it was a more distinguished breakfast today. There were plates full of cute and colourful Halloween desserts that were aggressively emptied by the excited hands of the students. It was when I had a bite of this cupcake with icing that looked like a golden snitch (I really wanted to finish it so bad) that I heard a shrieking voice from across the room that shouted...


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