Chapter 36: I want you violently

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– y/n's pov –

Through the castle window, I gazed down at the students who were busy hopping on the Hogwarts Express for their Christmas break. I could almost hear their loud excited giggles from here. Draco told me he would stay but he later said that he needed to discuss "important matters" with his family; so this break was to be vastly boring and lonely. Amber, Shane, and Kyle all gave me tight hugs and promised to owl me before they left to join the crowd.

I miss my parents. Then I heard a voice from behind.

"I suppose you're staying here for the break." Krum was standing behind me, looking out through the window down at the crowd on which I've been laying my eyes.

"Yup, I'll be roaming around the empty Hogwarts. Should be a lot of fun." I spoke sarcastically.

"It could actually be fun. Hogwarts is full of... mysteries, full of adventures. It's a magical castle after all." Krum chuckled and approached the window, now standing beside me. I chuckled melancholically and quietly watched the Hogwarts Express leave.

"...Do you miss them?" Krum broke the silence with a question without a specific subject but I could promptly answer it.

"Yes." I missed everything. My (human) parents, my room, my old school, friends... just everything. 

"...Wanna see something cool?" Krum seemed to have noticed the sad look on my face.

"How cool?" I turned to face him again and asked.

"Oh, very cool" He then took out his wand from his burgundy knitted cardigan.

"Well, bring it on" I smiled. 

"Cocinerio" He pointed his wand at his hand and cast a spell. Then suddenly, a delicious looking scone appeared.

"It's a cooking spell? This is amazing, Krum!" I gasped at the sight and Krum handed me the scone.

"Told you it was very cool." He chuckled.

"Thank you, Krum." I smiled widely and suddenly, someone's arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Having fun already?" It was Draco, glaring at Krum and then at me. My eyes widened.

"I thought... I saw you with your suitcase. You said you couldn't stay! You didn't leave?" Then my voice raised in excitement.

"This -" he nodded at Krum and me. "- is why I decided to stay."

"Well, what about your parents?" Looking at my confused face, Draco smirked.

"I was just messing with you. They don't need me. I wanted to surprise you." He patted my head and I faintly blushed. Krum coughed awkwardly.

"Hm-hmm... I guess I'll see you around, Y/N." Krum smiled at me and I nodded, smiling back. Draco looked sullen by the sight. As Krum walked away, Draco came around and stood in front of me. I smirked and took a bite of the scone that Krum gave me, giving Draco a teasing look.

"I'm not mad." Draco's frustrated voice spoke.

Duh. I chuckled at his remark.

"I didn't say anything." Then I held up the scone to take another bite. Suddenly, Draco leaned towards me and took a bite of the scone as well. I blinked several times, startled. Draco smirked and pulled away, slowly enjoying the taste of the scone. 

"I know something that tastes better, though." Draco provokingly winked. Realising what he meant, my cheeks heated up. I nervously coughed.

"...What are your plans for the break? Thank you for pranking me, by the way." I spoke bitterly.

"I don't know yet because you haven't told me." Draco then wrapped his arm around me and led the way back to the common room.

"Tell you what?" I questioned.

"About your plans. Your plans are my plans." Draco spoke so casually and my heart skipped a beat by his words.

"Hold... on a second." Then I stopped walking. Draco turned around to face me.

"Draco, I don't recall you formally asking me out" I smirked at him,

"Seriously?" and he laughed.

"Yea, so... I'm technically not your... girlfriend yet, I believe." It was sort of embarrassing to say this but it was true. Smiling, Draco gently grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

"Well, Y/N Lascelles. Will you be my girlfriend?" His voice was soft and serious.

"...No" I responded sharply and Draco looked thrown aback.

"What? Why?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Just kidding! I'd love to." Then I shyly tip-toed to give him a kiss on his cheek. As soon as my feet completely touched the floor again, Draco smirked and carried me bridal-style and ran to the common room. We laughed on the way. 

There were a few people in the common room who gasped at the sight of me and Draco. We simply ignored them, giggling at their reaction, and Draco carried me to his room.

"Oh, do slow down, Mr. Malfoy. We've got plenty of time." I chuckled and touched his face playfully. Draco looked down at me. His surprised face soon changed to smirking.

"You just called me that and now I can't help but do the complete opposite." He then hurried his steps towards his room and I giggled. Draco banged open his room door, headed straight to the bed where he dropped me and crawled on top of me.

Draco's lips crushed on mine unrestrained, he cupped my face with both hands as my fingers slid along the sculpted forearms to meet his for a brief moment. Unlocking his lips from mine, Draco pulled me further up on the duvet solely to immerse himself in another kiss. The way his body pressed against mine, warm and untamed, it was pulling me in. If hearts could explode, mine could detonate right now.

– Draco's pov –

Heat rose from every inch of me and I was no longer able to control. There was nothing but the sound of her gasps drawing me in, awakening something feral within. 

I'd never wanted someone so...violently. 

– y/n's pov –

"So beautiful..." Draco murmured against my swollen lips. And then he was kissing me again. The deep kind of kisses that left little room for thought. There was only feeling and wanting. That was all. I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him closer, telling him what I wanted with my soft moans.

"If you want me to stop, tell me now." Draco whispered and... I said nothing. He brushed his mouth against my neck, brushing it lightly; which sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble. 

"Or now," He then began releasing buttons from the buttonholes of my loose shirt, starting from the last in line. His lips continued making a run for my neck. It sent my cheeks ablaze and I moaned.

"Or now," Draco then pressed his lips against mine. I was now exposed under his touch except for my black knickers. My hands were everywhere. 

"Or—" He then straddled me in a swift move while cuffing my arms with a hand above the head, taking me again into the warmth of his mouth. 

"...There's no way out now" He whispered.

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