Chapter 60: Kill Me

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– Draco's pov –

But before I could get to her I saw somebody else grabbing her.

"Y/N!... Y/N!" I knew by the voice that it was Kyle. Soon, I reached them and I promptly knelt on the floor, pulled her away from Kyle and into my arms, checking up on her. 

"What's... what's going on?" Kyle coughed harshly and shot me a glance filled with shock. Then suddenly Y/N slightly opened her eyes. When she saw me, she swung her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"I... I did this... I hurt people..." Y/N's breathy voice spoke weakly.

"No, Y/N. It was him, not you..." I patted her head, still trying my best to calm down my harsh breathing from the explosions.

"Him? Who's 'him'?" Kyle asked tensely and y/n slowly turned to look at him.

"...Is this the Dark Lord's doing?" asked Kyle.

"He's coming back. I can feel him coming back." Y/N's voice was trembling.

"He's already taken my powers and I don't know how much longer I can fight him before..." She couldn't finish the sentence.

"Before what!" Kyle shouted.

"Before my soul gets destroyed!" And Y/N cried out. 

"There will be no me..." She seemed to be struggling to breath from tears. 

"...It'll be the end." Y/N shook her head and closed her eyes, biting her lip to stop the tears.

"Don't say that. I will never let that happen." It was painful. So painful to see her like that. It chocked my breath.

"Draco.... there's nothing we can do." The sadness in her voice was excruciating.

Kyle began blurting out words "Y/N, we will go face him and beg for forgiveness. It's probably what he wants. You will give him your loyalty and we will do whatever he asks us to do. We will finish the task he'd given us before, we will get married, do the dark ceremony–"

"Non-sense!" I barked at him.

"That way we can save her! Come up with a better plan if you can!" And Kyle barked back. The thought of it enraged me but what really frustrated me was that he was right. 

 "Y/N, I will help you. I will even become a death eater with you if that could save you." Kyle spoke firmly and I hated I couldn't say anything. It might help her but... bullshit. I really really hated it.

"Kyle... his attempts of possessions made me weak. I no longer have the powers. Can't you see? This is a punishment. He doesn't need me... and I'd rather die than to work for him!" Y/N's voice heightened and she paused. The dust was settling down and the room got clearer. The frightened crowd all looked over at us and began shouting.

"Kyle! Draco! Be careful!" "Professor McGonagall! Is she alright?" "Do something!" "Catch Y/N!" "She hurt Ron!" The angry students expressed abhorrence.

"...I have a favour to ask you, Draco." Y/N opened her mouth hesitantly and Kyle scolded, shaking his head "No, you don't." The crowd was still yelling.

"No, Y/N. Please, don't..." I touched her pale face, realising what she was going to ask.

"Kill me." The two words from her mouth struck my heart painfully.

"Please, Draco. Stop me. Stop this mess. Help me stop hurting people... I beg you." Y/N pleaded, sobbing. I shook my head.

"No... No!–" 

"Aaaaah!" Then suddenly Y/N started screaming in pain, twitching and crawling away from us. When she stopped shaking in pain, she slowly got up on her feet and lifted her head back up, shooting a vicious stare with red eyes. I flinched backwards... Voldemort was back. 

"Oh... look who it is." She tilted her head contemptuously, looking at Kyle.

"Y/N..?" Kyle whispered and Y/N's lips curled into a smirk. Shortly, she shouted "Sectumsempra!"

"No!" I saw Kyle collapse onto the floor. Blood spurted from his face and chest as though he had been slashed with an invisible sword. Kyle's shaking hand scrabbled at his blood-soaked chest. The room was filled with screams again.

"Vulnera Sanentur!" I immediately grabbed my wand and eased the blood flow. But before I could knit the wounds, Y/N tried attacking me. Her outstretched arm pointed me.

"Diffindo!" She shouted and I quickly deflected the spell "Salvio hexia!" Jets of sparks flew from across the room between me and Y/N.

"Y/N! Are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Reducto!" Ignoring me, Y/N continued to cast another curse.

"Salvio hexia!" The curse almost got me but I quickly cast the defensive spell again. I stumbled backwards due to the clash between the curse and my spell.

"Y/N! Listen to me! Stay strong!" As I cried out her name, Y/N began twitching in pain again. 

"Don't! Aaaah!" Grasping her head, she fell to the floor.

"Y/N!" I sprinted to her and held her hands.

"Guys! Help Kyle!" I yelled at the paralysed crowd and looked back at Y/N.

"Draco! I can't do this anymore! Please! Listen to me! I want you to kill me." Y/N bellowed.

"Y/N... I can't... I won't."

"Draco you must! Aaaaah!" Y/N then began screaming in agony again.

"Back away..." Her raspy voice warned. Then she rose again and cast another curse to the students who were attempting to fight against her.

"Crucio!" The curse hit a student and he fell to the floor, expressing intense, excruciating pain. Loud cries were heard from a distance but only blurred out for me. Then she turned to face me again. She raised her arm again and shouted.

"Avada Ked–" But suddenly she stopped. She choked and dropped her arm. I caught her from falling again and... 

"'Protego Diabolica'. Accordingly, it's a powerful incantation that creates a massive ring of fire around the caster." Y/N's painfully innocent, excited voice echoed in my head. Cold December night, in the Restricted Section...

"Protego... Diabolica!" I pointed my wand on the floor and cast the spell. Shortly, the spell drew a ring around the two of us and created tendrils of black fire. In the massive fire ring, I sat on the floor with Y/N in my arms.

"Please stay where you are and do not try to do anything!" I yelled at the students who had their wands out. 

"Draco..." Y/N's weak voice called for me.

"All your curses will be deflected by the fire and anyone who comes in contact with the fire will be incinerated!" I continued yelling at the crowd, trying to delay it...

"Draco, look at me..." She touched my face softly and I stared down at her. I tried but I couldn't stop my tears from streaming down.

"We don't have much time..." Y/N lightly brushed off the tears on my cheeks.

"Please... allow me to be myself at my last moments... Kill me. That will be the greatest gift." Y/N faintly smiled and at her words, I felt like drowning. Tears welled from deep inside and continued coursing down my cheeks.

"I love you, Draco..." Y/N kissed my lips.

"I love you, Y/N... More than anything in the world." I felt my throat closing up.

"...Goodbye" She smiled for the last time with tears still rolling down her cheeks. I closed my eyes tightly... and cried out.





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