Epilogue III

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– y/n's pov –

I told them about everything except for the fact that I technically died and revived; it does sound crazy and worrying them was the last thing I wanted to do, so I just vaguely said that Draco once saved my life from a great threat. I don't know if it was that story that moved them but fortunately, my parents loved Draco. Draco seemed comfortable and I was happy to see him get along well with my parents.

"So Draco," my dad put on a playful smile, "why do you like our daughter?"

"Actually... I uh–" Draco chuckled at the sudden question and looked at me. "She makes me feel special. Before Y/N, I just... never really felt that way." My parents quietly stared at him and Draco took a deep breath. "I always felt alone and unimportant."

His words startled me. I looked at him and whispered, "Draco, you don't have to talk about it."

"It's okay," Draco whispered back gently and turned back to my parents. "My parents were death eaters. For them, serving the Dark Lord was always more important than me." 

"Oh, dear," mum gasped.

Draco continued, "they wanted me to be perfect, especially my father. I had to be perfect so that he could stand proud before the Dark Lord, that he raised a perfect death eater for him." He paused and smiled sadly. "He taught me to view everything as useless, weak, taught me to be always superior than others but... I was never good enough for him. I'd been drowning in the trauma of being forced to be someone that I'm not and I didn't even realise... until Y/N appeared and pulled me out of it."

I was quite surprised that he opened up and talked about this to my parents. He looked at me and smiled. I could see that he was still hurt and it broke me inside, but I smiled back.

"I'm so sorry... well, as a parent, I don't wanna admit it, but you two make a beautiful pair," mum smiled.

"You think so?" I asked and we both chuckled.

"Um, yeah so I didn't want him to spend the Christmas break all alone at Hogwarts so... I invited him to stay here with me if that's okay..?" I asked uncertainly and my parents exchanged stares.

"Of course," mum smiled, "make yourself at home."

"Woah, okay I was scared you'd wanna kick him out," I sighed in relief.

"We never said we don't want to," dad quipped. "Haha, I'm messing with you kid, you can stay here as long as you promise us you won't do anything stupid."

"I promise I won't," Draco grinned. "Thank you."

"By the way, it's almost 12," mum chuckled.

"Wow," I looked at the clock with disbelief. We'd been talking and talking, too busy to notice the time passing.

"Babe, will you show Draco his room?" Mum asked dad and she pulled me aside, "I forgot us ladies got something to do before we go to bed."

"Huh, I wanna join but sure. C'mon kid," Dad and Draco then headed upstairs. 

As they disappeared, I turned to mum, "so what's that 'something' we're gonna do?"

"A little chat just for us two..." mum then quietly stared at me. Her eyes were... melancholic. 


"Sweetie, I..." she opened her mouth hesitantly, and I knew exactly what she was trying to say. "I am so sorry we couldn't tell you earlier about your... birthparents."

"Um... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't mad at you, but mum," I looked at her and grabbed her hand consolingly, "I have been and I will always be your daughter." At my words, mum sighed and hugged me.

I walked upstairs to go to my room. When I reached the last step, I saw Draco leaning against the wall, waiting for me. I walked towards him and silently stretched out my arms. Draco then stretched out his and pulled me into a hug.

"That took long. I missed you," Draco whispered.

"It's only been half an hour since you last saw me," I chuckled.

"I know, I think I'm going crazy," Draco laughed. "Where's your room?"

"Mine's right behind you," I answered. "Which room did my father give you?" 

"Oh, that one," he pointed to the room at the end of the hallway, "very far from yours."

"Of course," I chuckled and asked, "Are you tired?"

Then Draco smirked, "what have you got in mind?"

"Don't give me that naughty look," I whispered, lightly hitting him. "Come on, I wanna show you something."

Holding his hand, I led Draco to the rooftop terrace. One of the many things I loved about this county was that stars were visible at night.

"...Wow," Draco seemed amused. "It's beautiful."

"I missed this," I spoke, pensively looking up at the stars sparkling like sun glitter, just much more splendid. Then I turned to Draco, whose eyes were already fixed on me.

"What?" I laughed awkwardly.

"You're more beautiful," Draco's sincere face and voice startled me. My cheeks turned rosy and hopefully Draco didn't see it as it was dark.

"Who would have thought we'd be here together?" I reflected back on the memories of my early days at Hogwarts. "You bullied me, do you remember?" I laughed.

"I was stupid," Draco muttered. "Well, do you remember our deal, a wish per question?" asked Draco, talking about one of our first conversations.

"...Oh my god, I totally forgot about that," I tittered.

"It's not over yet, I wanna make a wish," Draco smirked.

"What are you, a child?" I laughed, "go ahead."

"Y/N, we've come so far together. It's insane what we went through," Draco's voice lowered. "I just wish that..." he grabbed my hand, "you will never let go of this, no matter what happens."

And I tightly grasped his hand and nodded.

"The same goes for you, 'no matter what happens,'" I smiled and our eyes met in silence for a while.

"I wanna kiss you," Draco whispered, gently brushing my hair behind my ear. Before I could say anything, his lips pressed against mine. In that moment, we forgot about the entire world. It was just him, me, and the butterflies in my stomach.

Parting his lips, Draco spoke softly, "I love you."

"I love you too, Draco."

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