Chapter 35: Instincts

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– Draco's pov –

I've been alone most of my life. So alone.

Abused by my family, my father, I myself have been my only true friend. Loneliness led to hostility and my abnormal mentality did not support the idea of allowing spaces for anyone else in my life, apart from myself. There's been no such thing as "trusting" in my dictionary. 

It was no different to Y/N. I was not trusting of her but... it somehow felt so right whenever I was with her. When I chose to bluntly let go of her back in the ballroom and when she disappeared from my sight, every instinct was telling me that I was making a big mistake that I should run after her and make things right.

The rain felt colder as the warmth of Y/N's body spread through me. I was numb as to what just happened but it felt right again, to have her back in my arms, feeling her.

My actions now cannot be undone. My words cannot not be untold. But I couldn't care less. I held her tightly and she felt like a fresh breath of air. Us two felt dangerous but I was strangely willing to throw myself into that sweet danger. I gave in.

I shouldn't be keeping her out in this cold weather. She was in her thin dress and her ankle was injured; so I put my left arm under her legs and supported her back with my right arm to carry her back inside. We were soaked and my footsteps left traces of water on the corridor. There were loud noises coming from the ballroom and we headed straight down to the dungeons. Y/N was shivering a bit and I quickened my steps. 

Luckily, everyone was still up there enjoying their time in the ballroom and our common room was empty. It would have caused quite a hassle if somebody spotted us all soaked in rain and me carrying her. I approached the couch closest to the fireplace and sat down, placing Y/N on my lap.

"Draco?" She spoke my name softly, still holding my neck and staring into my eyes. I knew that in the back of my heart, I've been longing to hear it. 

"Yes, Y/N?" I stared back at her. Her eyes were startling. Truly.

"You still haven't... said it yet" She spoke shyly and I knew that she was meaning to ask...

"Do you like me, Draco?" This question. I gave her a quick gentle kiss on her lips. 

"Was it not enough out in the rain?" I chuckled.

"Well... You showed me and I'd like to hear it too" Y/N answered as she gently ran her fingers through my hair.

"I like you... I think?" I've never succeeded in suppressing my inclination to mess with her.

"You think?" She furrowed her brows and it made me laugh. She then pushed me as an attempt to leave my lap but I held her tighter. 

"I like you... Y/N Lascelles" I put my face closer to hers and her cheeks turned rosy.

"Enough to change you?" Y/N asked,

"Enough to change me" and I answered.

"What if I were, let's say... a muggle-born? Enough to like me still?" She then quipped.

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