Chapter 18: Green Apple

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– Draco's pov –

Just like that, we kissed. She kissed me. We just met yesterday, we were hating on each other, and now we were... kissing.

At first, I was dazed by her sudden move but soon I pulled away my face.

"Y/N, what -" but she grabbed the back of my neck stronger and pulled me back to her again. As she caressed my lips softly with hers, I couldn't help but kiss her back.

The kiss was very sweet, very gentle, and very different from all the other mad kisses that I had before. Our tongues met slowly and carefully, but later diligently. I was so confused. It was the softest yet the best kiss. I moved my hand onto her face.

– y/n's pov –

When I found back my consciousness, I was in a dream, in which... I couldn't see anything.

I was lost in pitch darkness but I could feel someone holding me. I heard sniffles and I felt so devastated for some reason...

My mouth mumbled something involuntarily, but I couldn't hear myself. Then I found myself doing something very startling. I was kissing someone.

It was a gentle and intimate kiss. A kiss very different from Christian's mad kisses, and... it felt too real to be a dream. I opened my eyes very slightly and saw a face that I couldn't quite recognise. I quickly closed them again.

Shit. I'm not dreaming. But weirdly, I didn't want to end it. I wanted it to last longer.

Why does it feel so right? Why do I feel so... comfortable?

He smelled like fresh green apples. Then I couldn't quite remember what happened next. The next time I opened my eyes, I was alone in the same room.

Shit. I can't believe I fell back asleep. I didn't even see who I was... kissing.

The room looked similar to my dorm room but it was certainly different. There was only one bed in the big room and it was extremely clean and tidy. If I knew there's a 1-person dorm room as well, I would have asked Professor Dumbledore. 

Then I remembered fainting and someone offering me help so I thought it must be that person's room and it must be that boy I... kissed.

I blushed and hurriedly walked out of bed, out of the room, embarrassed. I checked the time and it was almost the end of class, almost 4. The common room was empty and I stood in front of the entrance door. I had to meet the cheerleading team but I was too scared to walk down the corridor by myself.

...What if he's still there, hiding?

As I gulped and let out a big sigh, the door opened and I stepped backwards, surprised. It was Kyle.

"Y/N! How are you?"

Was it Kyle who helped me?

"Kyle! Uh, yea... I'm good. Thank you for your... care earlier." I spoke awkwardly, aware of the possibility that I kissed him.

"There's really no need, bad things happen here. I'm glad to see that you're feeling better." Kyle spoke, smiling gently.

It really might be Kyle. Shit.

"If you don't mind, could you -" I blushed and asked him quietly.

"Walk you to the field? Sure." He finished my sentence, then I noticed something in his hand.

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