0.[Where She Is Eager To Write This]

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I'll post a description and a sneak peek when My Forbidden Fruits is completed.

I joined wattpad a mere 6-7 months ago and I never thought this story would get so much love seeing i'm a rookie when it comes to both writing and fanfictions, but since you guys are amazing, I had to do a sequel.

I love August Alsina, every bit of him, where he came from , who he's becoming  and his music  and maybe one day he just may find a real Phoebe who introduces him to our world on wattpad so he can see how we "hold him down" with our imagination.

I know alot of people downplay Fanfictions, and even I use to. But now I see that this is where the greatest writers are found, because if you can be so much of a fan of an artist to write a complete novel about him/her, I find it extraordinary to see what the mind can create.  I mean I think A book called After written based on Harry Styles was published and is becoming a freaking movie. How great is that? Anything is possible.

 Shoutout to all the August Alsina, Mindless Behaviour, One Direction, Trey Songz, Jacquees and even Adrian Marcel Fan Fic writers, y'all rock, despite what people think. Anyway I hope  this sequel liberates your mind and leaves you speechless and occasionally make you want to throw your phone into a brick wall, but that's okay eventually a happy ending will come about.

Oh I almost forgot, "Eh hem" Guess what? There will be a third book. With Kaitlyn growing up and .....I can't tell you the rest, it's a secret for now. That would give me away. ;)

Y'all like my picture and cover?

Stay True.

Please note that the following content belongs and is in direct ownership of TheSilentGenie-Us. Plagiarism or any sort of theft based off of the following novel will be heavily penalized. Please respect my wishes kindly. Thank you, to Wattpad for allowing me to post my story and widen my reading scale.

© (TheSilentGenie-Us) 2014 All Rights Reserved

Love you guys.

"From Nothing, to something."- Mavado


I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now