49.[Where He Becomes One With Her, A little Too Late]

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Lmao, I photoshopped Phoebe's stomach. Don't judge me aight, she never posted any of her early pregnancy photos on instagram. Let me live. Vote ad Comment! Excuse Errors.

[Phoebe—Almost One Night Later]

"Alright, this is your room." August said partially smiling opening one of the doors in the penthouse for my Mom. She nodded dragging her suitcase inside and showed Kaitlyn and I the master. Heather had just finished throwing up again as we got here and I could tell she wasn't lying. She really was scared out of her mind.

"Heather." August called out to her but she was busy day dreaming.

"Heather!" He shouted and she dropped her bottle of water, startled.

"Damn man are you deaf? This your room. Stay in here." He told her and she jeered at him dragging he numerous bags inside closing the door.

Kaitlyn and I laid in the bed together as we were both exhausted and I had to explain to her what was going on. August claimed this penthouse was his work condo he had before he met me. He said he worked here a lot when the label brought him to California.

I could tell August was unsure of what was going to happen. He was diligently waiting by the phone for Brent to call him and his eyes held bags.

"Kaitlyn. You want to wash up before you nap, take a little fresh?" I asked her as she took her glittery markers out of the bag testing them on her hand.

"Nuh uh. I don't want to bathe. How come we here Teacha?' She asked and she sat upright, and began drawing on my stomach.

"That tickles." I giggled, as she continued to draw.

"I make something pretty. Keep still." She instructed and I had to bury my giggles. "Stop moving your belly." She said but I couldn't help it, It was tickling.

"Okay, okay. But we're here because, things happened unexpectedly."

"What that mean?" She said changing colours.

"It means that we didn't plan the events that led us here. And you know when you told me about the monster?" I said and she stopped shading in the marker and nodded her head at me.

"Your Daddy got rid of the monster for now." I assured her as she stuck her finger in my belly button.

"But...I thought that was our secret?" She asked and I smiled.

"It is baby. It certainly is, but Daddy found out and he got really angry that monsters were being a pest to you and your friends, especially Johnathan."

"What Daddy do?"

I gulped. "I really don't know. I wasn't there. I just know that Daddy really loves you ad he would put his neck on a block to make sure, you're safe and secure."

"Okay." She mumbled.

I looked at her afraid she would hate me for forever and a day for what August wanted me to tell her, we had to do.

"Um.. Kaitlyn you know you're very special to me. I've never met any little girl as brilliant and as fun as you. And you know as your teacher, which I will always be I your heart I want the best for you right? Just like Daddy does." I said and she slowly nodded, as she began drawing on my belly again.

"Well Kaitlyn, your Daddy says that you're changing schools in the fall. He wants you to go to  a bigger and better school where your education will be a top priority ad definitely where no monsters will be." I said quickly and she furrowed resting down her markers again just looking at me.

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now