38.[Where He Is Impaired by the No Ordinary Love Syndrome, She is His Medicine]

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I typed this all day. It's very long, chapter are going to be lengthy from now on. Don't sue me for my typos please. This one chapter has 5000+ words. And lastly, things that occur in this chapter, I have took my dear time to research. I repeat, I did read and research .

[Phoebe— Days Later, On Her Birthday]

"Teacha! Teacha! Daddy say he wanna talk to you."I smiled pushing the hair out of my face as I took my cellphone from her. I was listening the entire time while she spoke to him. When he goes away a he usually calls early in the morning to talk to his 'baybeh' because he knows she wakes every morning for her chocolate tea.

"Thank you Sweetie." She nodded, scratching her unkempt hair before she went running frantically chasing behond her Clemisol. "Be careful with all that running baby." I shouted after her.

"Helluh?" He said, as I laid on my back looking up into the ceilings. Today was my birthday. It really was, but I wasn't going to make a big deal about it. I was more excited about the news I had to tell August. I wasn't sure how he would react seeing it happened before, but I to tell him, since I wasn't keeping anything from him anymore.

"Hi baby." I blushed, toying with the end of his shirt I slept in.

"Whachudoin'? Still sleepin'?" He questioned.

"No,just laying in bed. I feel tired."

"Oh, Aight. "

I was still awaiting him to acknowledge that it was my birthday. But he hasn't as yet. So I decided to jump ahead before he had to go.



"You remember when I told you, since I wasn't working, I would consider volunteering. Especially when Kaitlyn goes to school during the week to keep me occupied."

"Yeh'. Why?"

"Well Baby, Estelle suggested this elderly home to me. And I went over there to volunteer and I was so great with them, they offered me a job baby!" I shrieked. Awaiting his reactions.

"Workin' inna'old people home?"

"Yes, I really liked the little time I spent with them. I got to know some of their life stories and it's a very relaxing environment for me."

He sighed heavily unto the line. "Why you gotta work? I don't want you workin' Ma'. How many times I gotta say it?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes pulling the covers away sitting upright.

"August. You are not my Father. I want to work baby. I'm not a housewife. I want to do something. And If I want to do something I will." I demanded.

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now