35.[Where He Speaks Too Highly Of The Devil, In The Midst Of Paradise]

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If you heard what's going on with August, just pray for him. And now that y'all know about it, don't involve it in your stories. Out of all the things we've involved from his real life, leave that alone. It shows that he's human like the rest of us. Seems like the saying is true, life WILL knock you some blows as it's doing to me now. I've been stressed. Excuse Errors. #LateNightPost #MyHusbandisinPeril #BeingafanismorethanjustaFAN

[Phoebe-A Week Later, sometime in the month of April]

"Yes, Yes you can Consuela. I want him." I pleaded her as she sat in the passenger seat of my car as if we were participating in some high-def, top of the line discrete murder plot. I just wanted my dog.

"AY, I don't know. Why can't you come and get him? You're mother very sad, she would like to see you. She cries all day."

I rolled my eyes. "Consuela I didn't ask about her okay. I just want Clemisol. Look at all this money I'm giving you to just get my dog for me and you're hesitating? $550.00 cash and you hesitate. I don't get it."

"I do not want to disregard your mother. Just come and get him yourself."

I sighed. "Consuela the reasons I called you out here is so you could get Clemisol for me. I want to surprise my step-daughter when she gets home today. She's seems very distant lately and she always reminds me about Clemisol that's why I came to get him. I know he's unhappy here, just miserable."

"I understand. She wants a pet?"

"See you get it. Yes, she'd like a dog but her Father doesn't like puppies, or any animal per say. So if I get her my dog, he can't resist her right?"

"I see."

"So you'll get him?"

"Ay, I not sure. What Are you going to do when she looks for him?"

"Just say I have him."

She kept going on and on about how important the job was to her and that Daddy ensures she's paid very well. Not that I didn't expect him to. He's generous like that, Mom would have her slaving and paying her as if she were one.

"Listen Consuela , I really don't care about what ever Mom has going on. Matter of fact she's not my Mom. She lied to me for almost all my life and now I really would like to just get my dog, that she doesn't give two shits about and leave. I can't see her right now, I've spoken to Daddy and he's fine. As long as he's okay, I'm fine. You may not understand but it will take me a lot of time before I just sing kumbaya with her. I'm begging you, please."

She sighed before she climbed out of the car closing the door. "I'm sorry." She sighed.

"Ay dios mio. No te creo. Okay, give me the money." She took it out of my hand stuffing it into her chest.

I grinned. "You'll get him?"

"Not because I want to." She said and I clapped my hands excitedly while she scurried away up to the house.

I knew this was a better idea than getting Brent to break in. That could have ended badly. I smiled to myself. August was at one of his interviews he had been doing a lot of lately. I tend to not want to listen or watch them, because people always ask plenty of questions about, well me. And some times they hurt my feelings, saying that August should be with an industry person, or that it's weird for him to date his daughter's teacher. I try not to let the parasites get down my ear, but when you're involved with a celebrity it goes from good to bad, to O-M-G to ugly. I can't take the rumors sometimes.

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now