47.[Where He Didn't Give Her All That He Had, So She Redeems Unintentionally ]

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Yes. I know I've been AWOL. Forgive me. I know you will with this lengthy chapter. Can someone explain to me August's BUN? Lol Vote and comment! Excuse errors.


"Ma' you need to calm down. Wrong witchu?"

"Is this why didn't want me around her? Leave me alone." I scowled.

"You pregnant, what you gonna do? Deck the shit outta Heather?" August said trying to touch me but I swatted him away, charging towards Heather.

I tried to used my inner crazy voice. "You little bitch. You're trying to have all the men aren't you?" I said shoving her chest.

"Oh my God, Phoebe I can't take you serious right now. I can see your nipples through the sheer thing and that is already awkward and now you're accusing me of being with August? Really? What kind of girl do you think I am?" She asked.

"You know I've been praying to God that this Anthony shit you were talking about wasn't August but OBVIOUSLY I was wrong. How could you Heather?"

August chuckled.

"What the fuck is funny?" I said.

"You. You hella funny baybeh. You know how crazy you sound?"

"Are you calling me crazy?" I asked him.

Heather interrupted.  "Look Phoebe, I've been holding this in for too long. August never wanted to tell you. But. I'm Kaitlyn's Mom." She said seriously, and I tilted my head to the side, speechless. As I looked back and forth between them.

"Is this some kind of Joke. Are you serious?" I whispered and she nodded.

"We wanted to tell you."

"So that entire thing about Kaitlyn's Mom dying was...a lie?" I whispered softly and she nodded.

"I'm sorry baybeh." He started and I felt like I wanted to cry.  Until he busted out laughing loudly. "I'm sorry this shit too funny. Ya' face is priceless." He said and I furrowed, folding my arms.

"That's not funny!" I said.

Heather chuckled. "Phoebe, are you kidding me? We were going to tell you that we were planning a couples Vacation in Havana or Peru. And Anthony, as in August? Really? I would never do that to you. August and I never had any type of relationship outside of business and friendship. I love you girl, you've become like my sister." She said.

I furrowed. "So—So who is the Anthony and why were you guys talking so overly friendly and stuff."

She smiled. "Phoebe, I wasn't going to tell you this but...I guess I have to. Anthony is "Bubbles". Roscoe's brother. That's how I knew Roscoe but I didn't see the need to tell you because that was so long ago. He broke my heart. I should have known better, he was a trap nigga anyway."

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know I feel stupid just thinking about it. He got some girl pregnant recently."

I blinked. "Dude. This can't be, you and Bubbles? "

"Yeah I knew that would be your reaction."

"That is his real name....Are you fucking kidding me Heather? This shit is weird , why didn't you just tell me. These links are freaking me out." I plopped down I the chair.

"Yeah I'm sorry. We met long ago when I was younger when I spent my first summer in New Orleans. We thought we fell in love and we tried to keep in touch but then he never called me. And I met Darius after that. Things just went from there."

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now