8.[Where He Doesn't Know She Thinks Of Him More Than Herself]

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[Phoebe—Two days Later at School]

“Yes, Yes. That’s a wonderful painting darling. What is it”? I asked Mercedes.

“Teacher you don’t know?” She shrieked, almost appalled I would question her artistic values.

I chuckled and stared intently at it. “Okay, I really don’t know.”

“It’s a meatball teacherrrrr. See.” She pointed to big brown and  pink dot, honestly I thought it was shit, or that she really just felt like drawing a pink and brown glob of a ball. How creative.

“Ohhhhh I see it now! It’s making me so hungry.” I pretended to rub my stomach, famished. I didn't know meatballs were pink, I guess it was raw.

She giggled and focused her eyes back on perfecting it I guess, I moved down the line to Johnathan and Kaitlyn.

“How’s it going?” I asked in my British accent, which Johnathan seemed to have down to a Q.

“Hi Teachaaa.” She never did pronounce the R in that word. I shook my head. “You like my picture?” She looked up expectantly at me.

“Yes, it’s pretty. Who is it?” It looked like people.

“This is meee. This is you and this is Daddy. See! Look, I tried to paint your hair curly.” She giggled and clapped her hands proudly.

Oh wow. I was just in awe. She really does love me like her mother. I could never take the place of her real mother, but somehow I felt like I had. It was such a beautiful feeling. I felt like somebody had wanted me besides August and like somebody had needed me.

“Awww sweetheart. It’s beautiful.” I stooped down beside her. “We’re going to take it home for you’re father okay.”

“Oh and a baby.” She quickly picked up the brush , dipped it in the red paint and drew a small little person. Did kaitlyn just say baby?

“A baby?” I laughed.

“Yes, baby sister.” She mumbled before she closely painted on some dots for eyes.

“A baby sister?” I asked looking at her, somewhere deep inside me, my well broke and my tears came streaming.

“Yup!” She said popping the P and she looked at me.

“Ms.Phe Phe you crying?”

“Oh N—No baby. I’m not.” I quickly took my hands patting my tears away and the melancholy atmosphere that followed me around.

“Why you cry teacheaaa?” She asked me.

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now