Brotherly love

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The zombie stumbled beside the glitch. It was a foggy evening out which sort of worried Robbie as he wasn't a fan of the darkness nor misty night. The glitch, alternatively, wanted to walk out alone but his needy little brother managed to wobble along. He didn't complain though. Anti actually enjoyed the zombie's company... It felt calm and accepting. Robbie isn't the one to get on the glitch's nerves nor he even once got on the wrong side of him. The two just happened to understand each other without a single word. They would not talk for the remaining time together but that didn't mean they loafed each other, the two just leaves it for another time and to take up the last minute alone for relaxing and chilling. The others didn't quite understand but they'd never question it. It was almost a relief to see them like this. Walking beside each other, a gentle smile on the twos face as no talking was to be heard.

Robbie would sometimes ask Anti a few questions based on how his day went or something similar. It was a kind, gentle act which would always make the glitch feel enlightened. A simple question like so was so easy to make Anti smile lightly. Although he wouldn't allow it from most people, Robbie was his only soft spot and will forever be. He was the only person to walk into his room without a knock. Robbie was the only person to touch is belonging. He was the only person to see Anti generally smile. The zombie just happened to experience Anti's sweet side- only because of the glitch favouring him. Robbie never once made him angry or sad, not even Anti made him sad or mad. But if anyone did make the zombie sad, the glitch would be right up their arse, ordering them to stay away from him and his little brother. Simple things like that just happen to make their relationship something unique. It's not everyday you see a literal zombie and a glitch like being walking down the road...

Sometimes Henrik would walk into the living room to see Anti fixing Robbie's black and white jumper after ripping it a bit. On other occasions, someone like Chase or Marvin would listen to Anti rambling on about their time spent together. The rarest moments where Robbie would surprise Anti with a hug and he wouldn't push him away, the glitch purposely hugged back. The others would be beyond confused and stunned at his actions, seeing as they never once saw Anti this soft towards a being. Whether they were dead or not, it still made them shocked.

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