lovey-dovey (ranboo x reader)

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based off of a ranboo preference i just did lol

25k..................i love you guys, seriously i can't believe i've gotten this far and its actually my birth month like this is so crazy to me haha thank you all so much

you groan as you run over your fingers through your hair, trying to avoid eye contact with the google doc on your computer screen. you let out a yawn right after as you check the clock and read the time: 1:00 a.m. you'd been working on an essay for far too long in your room already. considering it wasn't due for a good week, though, it didn't hurt to start to early. as you stretch and yawn a little bit more, you hear a timid knock at your door.
"hey, is everything alright?" ranboo says, your boyfriend's tall figure standing in the doorway of your room. you give him a tired smile, nodding softly as you feel him walk over. "5 pages, geez. have you taken a break at all in between all that?" ranboo says, sighing softly as you shake your head 'no'.
"i need to get this done, love. it's due next week-"
"NEXT week? oh, come on."
you give ranboo a look of confusion as he takes your hand and starts to lead you to his bed where the two of you sit next to each other, his thumbs stroking your palms as you smile and look down at your lap.
"you know i love you, right?"
you blush and don't look at him, your smile only growing bigger when one of his hands touches your cheek and makes you look at him: you can tell he's wanting and expecting an answer. in the first shaky weeks of getting used to the idea of being each other's partners, you'd come to the realization that one of his favorite things to do with you was to sit you down and just talk about everything that made you fall for him. at the end of the day, you were almost always left red faced and smiling: that was just one of the many things that made YOU fall in love with HIM.
"i-i guess, yeah..." you say, knowing what would come after.
"y-yOU GUESS?"
you laugh when ranboo gives you a look of genuine shock, his lips only forming into a smile when you laugh. "come on, you can't say 'i guess' when i sit you down and tell you this like everyday. you gotta give me something." he says, pouting playfully as you shake your head and smile before looking at ranboo.
"i know you love me. you're horribly and utterly obsessed with me."
"good." he says, pressing a kiss to your nose as you laugh again, the action making him pull you closer. "you just wanted someone to hold you, didn't you?" you says with a giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck, nuzzling your cheek against his. "you needed a break and i wanted to be with you, so its a win-win situation." he says, his hands carefully placing themselves on your waist. your hands play with his hair as he buries his face in your chest, you heart beating faster just like it always did when you found yourself wrapped in the arms of your loving boyfriend. your body slowly relaxes against his as you hum softly when he tilts his head up to look at you. "you're so beautiful. and kind and smart and funny. and most importantly, mine. i can't believe i got so lucky." ranboo says, the praise making you smile as one of his free hands plays with your hair. you keen at his words, giggling softly as you blush.
"now you say that, but about me."
you laugh, pressing your forehead against his as he raises his eyebrows playfully and presses a kiss to your lips softly. "well, i think you're not just funny but hilarious. you're smart and have the cutest hair in the world." you say, the smile on his lips growing to the point that you think his cheeks must be hurting. "thank you for that, i love you." ranboo says, pressing a kiss to your nose as you scrunch it and smile. it's silent before you start to get up and feel that ranboo's arms don't move from your waist. you don't think it's strange before you look down and feel your cheeks grow warm, a smile adorning your features. soft snores leave ranboo's lips as his head rests on your chest, his eyes closed. you move so that the two of you were laying down while trying not to disturb his slumber. you press a kiss to his forehead before you finally fall asleep with your arms wrapped around each other.

aaaaand that's the end of that lol
sorry if it's kind of dumb or sumn i was trying to get this out while i was still motivated and hope that you actually like it
happy reading and have a good day/afternoon/night/morning! <33

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