bold (dream x reader)

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you and dream hate each other but you 1) suck at math and 2) you guys hate each other and actually don't because you guys have the fattest crush on each other too


tw// some sexual references/flirting

"and that's where you square root. do the rest yourself."
you only nod, biting your lip as you start to scribble down calculations. dream has stood up, scrolling through his phone or looking out the school windows. you'd come to him for help two weeks ago mostly from your friends who knew you sucked at math and who happened to be the only people who knew you'd been crushing on dream for the longest time. he was funny, rude, and on off days, annoying as hell; in all honesty, you wanted to hate him. but even with the green hoodie he wore daily, his smile, his eyes, and freckles, you were reeled in so easily. you tried your best to make your interest known both physically and emotionally: whether you put on something flattering or did some good deed for dream, he never seemed to notice or care.
but god, did he love to insult you.
he constantly laughed and poked fun at you for not knowing a certain mathematical equation by memory (the quadratic formula is x equals the negative b + or - the square root of b squared - 4 times a and c and all of that is divided by 2 times a 😻) or for getting a step wrong. there wasn't a day that went by where you left school feeling like kicking dream's ass but then help him up and kiss him all at the same time. but you weren't going to give this up until you scared over a c-. that was how you ended up in an empty classroom with dream who was now sitting in front of you.
"you know, you never did tell me why you wanted my help."
"you might be an idiot but you can be smart sometimes." you say, sitting back once you finish the question. "yeah, but you've been giving wrong answers in front of the class since the first day of school, why now?" he says, taking the worksheet from you and scanning what you just did. "my parents started getting on my ass and my friends were worried. i have to appease both parties." you say, sighing in relief when dream confirms that you got the right answer. it's quiet when you move on to the next question, your chin propped on your palm. soon enough, you can feel clay's stare on you and no matter how much you try to ignore it, you just can't.
"what's up?"
"nothing, why?"
"you're looking at me." you say, tilting your head so that your eyes meet dream's. he raises an eyebrow at you as he sits back and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "i need to make sure you don't use your phone and cheat." he says, gesturing to your phone that was just at the head of the desk. you smirk and only push your phone closer to him.
"there. now you don't have to look at me."
"you have a problem with that?"
"when it's the guy calling me a cheater i do." you say, looking at him again as he chuckles at your comment. it's quiet again, the sun's last rays shining into the classroom as the clock hit 5:00. you finish another problem and kick your leg forward as you hand the worksheet to dream, noticing the way he flinches a bit out of the corner of your eye. not surprisingly, that gives you a rush of confidence as you do it again. this time, you leave your leg brushing up against his, causing him to sit up a bit while he reads over your paper. you consider playing dumb and apologizing, knowing that would tip dream over the edge; you'd been so eager to see what would happen when someone tested him. but at this point, you'd had a reasonable amount of partners that let almost everyone who knew you know that you weren't unaware of what a sexual advancement was.
"it's wrong."
"no, it's not. i did it twice."
"who's the tutor here, you or me?" he says, smiling proudly at you as you snatch the paper away from him and look over the question, checking and rechecking the process. you scoff slightly when you continue to get the same answer over and over again, looking up at him. "i know what you're trying to do." you say, playfully squinting your eyes at him as he makes a face at you. "do tell me what kind of grand scheme am i making up." dream says, making a giggle leave your lips.
"you're trying to get me to stay longer."
he scoffs as if the idea of staying with you longer than the time you two had discussed was something that never crossed his mind.
"that's dumb. i doubt i would be able to get you to sit there past 5:30." he says to which you hum softly and tap your pencil on the desk.
"you never know."
dream looks at you and shakes his head with a slight smile when you give him the best innocent eyes you can muster. "enough, come on, hurry up and finish." he says before you brush your leg against his again. he jumps a bit, giving you a look that reads confusion but you know damn well dream understands what you're trying to do from the slight glare you can see in his eyes; the sight made you want to melt. "you are so dense, you know that?" you suddenly say, your fingertips grazing his as you prop your chin on your palm once more that afternoon. "mh, no, i'd like to say i'm pretty bold." dream says, taking your hand in his without a hint of hesitation and tracing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. you laugh a bit at that, trying to keep up the little cat and mouse game you were playing; your parents, though, have said you prefer poking the bear until you end up cornered.
"when do you think you're like that the most?"
"all the time. don't you think it's cool when a guy says what's on his mind?"
you hum and tilt your head a bit, dragging your hand down your neck and a bit of your shoulders and collarbone, even adding a soft sigh. "mh, maybe sometimes. but what about girls who speak for themselves?" you almost coo, feeling the way dream chuckles from his hand holding yours.
"that sounds pretty nice."
you are mere seconds away from making some unholy sound from the way such a small touch effected you so much when the school intercom comes alive. you jump as you hear the assistant principal announce that anyone still in a classroom or in the library to leave school for the day. you can almost see the devil horns and little tail sprouting on dream as he gives you a smug smile. "i guess that's all for today." he says, gathering his things together as you come back down to reality and try not to get flustered as you scramble to put things away. before you can turn to walk away, a hand places itself on the small of your back, dangerously close to your bottom. the touch makes your breath hitch and you only get more tingles when you feel a pair of lips only inches away from your ear, hot and wanting.
"better luck next time."

neways, here you go, this definitely had more physical scenes before i edited it but i thought it would be better to make it very implicit lol
sorry if this was a weird one, but i hope you guys like it !! have a good day/afternoon/night/morning! stay safe and happy reading! <33

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