numbers (tommy x reader)

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a fluffy oneshot for @absolute_simp !

the song doesn't have anything to do with the oneshot but it just fits right in my brain lol
i hope you guys enjoy this one! it's been a while since i wrote something for this book and i'm so glad i did! i missed you guys <3

you groan in annoyance as you tear yet another page covered in math work from top to bottom out of your notebook, letting your forehead hit the fresh page under it. "math sucks." you quietly grumble to yourself as you sit up again. you'd lost count of how long you'd been in your school's library bent over the worksheet your geometry teacher had given you that afternoon in class. every second you sat in that library trying to solve for angles and degrees and areas felt like an eternity; it was no surprise this was your worst subject. and on top of everything, the only person who could help you was already doing his own late work in another classroom on your campus: to put it quite simply, you were going to have to figure this out on your own. with a quick breathing exercise, you started on the same question again.
and again.
and again.
and again.
you drop your pencil in defeat and hold your head in your hands, nostrils flaring in frustration as you try to keep your cool. almost on cue, though, you feel the chair next to you move back and someone take a seat. one of the many paper balls you made with your scratch work hits the familiar voice's elbow when they move to sit near you.
"my god, you aren't doing so well, are you?"
you simply groan in response as you lean against tommy, your boyfriend laughing softly as he strokes your head in comfort. "we've all been there, love. here, let me see this." he says, working the worksheet from you as you lean into his touch. when he doesn't say anything else, you already know he's doing all the work in his head by the way he mutters things under his breath. "do my homework for me?" you say with a quiet giggle, sitting close enough to him that you touch but just enough for the both of you to have a decent amount of space. "i would if this wasn't so bloody easy, (y/n)." tommy says, looking at you with a slight grin on his face. you raise an eyebrow and lean back in your chair. "alright then, mr. wise guy. show me." you say, gesturing to the paper in front of the both of you now. with a look in his eyes that says "challenge accepted", he grabs your pencil and gets to work. at first, he explains everything at a million words per minute with little attention to your confused smile and regret-filled expression. when he does notice, he slows down almost instantly and goes a little more in-depth with the questions. pretty soon, you're scribbling down the answer to the last question, your scratch work for all the questions neat and organized on a separate sheet. you hand it to tommy who scans the paper, occasionally glancing at you or the worksheet. finally, he puts down the piece of paper and takes your hand like someone about to break the bad news. "give it to me straight." you say in the most dramatic voice you can muster. he stifles a smile, hanging his head before looking at you.
"they are all correct."
you smile at that and the two of you break into a quiet fit of laughter, grabbing onto each other as your shoulders shake. once you both calm down, tommy takes your hand and rubs your palm with his thumb before kissing your forehead and smiling.
"i knew you could do it."

im working on a few other oneshots right now but this is one of the requests! i hope you guys like it, stay safe, and i love you all !! <3

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