distance (george x reader) pt. 2

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kpoppies, this one is for us <3 i just couldn't help myself especially due to the fact that the song fits so well (at least it fits for me lmaoo)

i hope you all enjoy this! :))

the car ride from the airport goes surprisingly well: george talks about his journey for most of it, but the air in the car is pleasant as music plays softly.
but the silence nearly kills you each time.
it gives you time to scream inside your head about how much nicer george's smile looked now that he was only a moment away or how tempted you were to start conversation and catch up. but all you could do was think about the question you'd been thinking about since you had turned your back on him in the airport:
do you hate me?
"oh, hey, is that a ferris wheel?"
you glance forward and see the colorful wheel in the distance, nodding softly. "yeah. they pop up everywhere around this time in the summer." you say, looking back at the road when george gives you a smile. "could we go? to the carnival, i mean." he says, excitement in his eyes. "you aren't tired? all your stuff is still in here." you say, raising an eyebrow even as you start to change lanes so that you are going in the direction of the carnival. "yeah, i'll be fine. i just need to get some sugar in me." he says, grabbing his phone and scrolling through it. a few minutes later, you're looking for a parking spot in the seemingly infinite rows of cars. once you park, you grab your phone before turning to open your door and are surprised to see george opening it for you. "um, t-thank you." you say, blushing softly as george smiles at you. he takes your hand and even that makes you stumble a bit as you get out of the car. he doesn't let it go as the two of you walk onto the fairgrounds where music blares and people buzz with loud conversation. after getting over your sweaty palms, you enjoy the hand-holding to the point that you grin every time george says something to you. the empty feeling in your hand when the two of you approach the ticket booth takes you back to reality.
"i'll pay."
george and the woman inside the booth look at you as you start to look through your wallet for any loose cash. "don't worry, i got it already." george says with a smile, gesturing to the fairly generous amount of tickets in his fist. "oh my god, i'm so sorry. i-i lost my train of thought." you say, pink dusting your cheeks as he laughs.
"yeah, you look cute when you do that."
your face is on fire by then, a casual smile on his face as he keeps walking with you. it takes a few minutes for you to start get back down from the mental cloud you were on where you were squealing with delight, both of you pointing out carnival games and rides that interest the two of you. after almost 2 hours of getting scammed by ring tosses and finally winning a plush pig at a ball game, you were both standing in line for the ferris wheel. the two of you laughed and talked and for a second, it was almost like things where the same as they had been.
but it just wasn't.
his arm was wrapped around you and almost everything that left his mouth made you giggle or let out loud laughs that made people turn to look at you: you couldn't remember the last time you'd had this much fun. and as if on cue, he turns to smile that gorgeous smile at you. "i'm glad you're having fun." he says, stepping forward with you as the line moves. "who says i'm having fun?" you say with a playful smirk, nudging george who feigns a hurt expression. "well, i'm having fun. and i know we'll have more fun up there." he says, gesturing to the top of the ferris wheel. you laugh softly as the line in front of you keeps moving and by the time you know it, you are being helped into the booth. the two of you get inside, your arms brushing against each other and touching. the two of you yelp as the ride starts up with a slight jolt and laugh when it starts moving, the wind blowing in your hair. the ride stops when the two of you are halfway to the top. "it looks just as cool form up here." george says, staring out at the fairgrounds and surrounding buildings. "it is, i hardly go on these but i love it every time i do." you say, sighing softly as you nonchalantly rest your head on his shoulder. you don't realize how fast your heart is beating until george rests his head on yours and his hand takes yours. with the way your cheeks were warming and how much you were enjoying this, all of your boundaries came tumbling down in an instant.
"i'm sorry."
you are unmoving as george slowly lifts his head to look at you. "what for?" he says, the confusion in his voice making your heart stop.
"for the airport."
he's silent as the ride keeps going, stopping at the very top. you pretend to be mesmerized by the sight of the city landscape you'd seen multiple times since you had moved here, taking the opportunity to move from the comfortable yet awkward position.
"i'm sorry, too."
you don't look at him again, your face on fire as a slight breeze hits. "you don't have anything to be sorry about." you say, trying to ignore the way his hand squeezed yours ever so slightly. "i do, trust me. there was so much i didn't say and it was all because i thought that you...weren't going to miss me. i thought you would forget about me and everything we had as soon as you landed in the u.s. but you didn't and that's all that matters." george says, a sad smile on his lips when you turn to look at him this time. the silence sets in and you think your head is going to explode from the burning question threatening to slip past your lips.
"what were you going to say to me?"
george blushes and laughs as he looks down at his lap. "it's just sappy friend stuff. nothing i didn't say to you already." he says, waving his hand as if he was dismissing the question. your heart is beating so hard that you're sure even george can feel it as he scoots a bit closer to you.
"did you have something you wanted to say to me?"
i like you.
"not then, i didn't. but you're here right now, aren't you?"
he simply nods with a soft smile as you move back so that your arms touch.
that doesn't last long.
with a sudden burst of adrenaline, your hands cup george's face and your lips crash into his: it was everything you had imagined and more. he is obviously taken by surprise, a small 'mph!' leaving his lips. but he isn't hesitant as one hand grabs your waist and the other places itself on the back of your neck. a few minutes later, you pull away with flustered cheeks, the way geroge's lips chase yours making you giggle breathlessly as you press your forehead against his and bite your lip.
"i have missed you since the morning i had to leave. i like you and i never told you until now because i didn't want to risk our friendship."
george is speechless before his hand runs through his hair and he laughs.
"god, y/n, i...i've liked you since like primary school!"
you laugh the most genuine laugh you had ever let out before george kisses you again. he pulls away almost on cue as the ride jolts awake and the two of you are slowly but surely coming back down to the ground.
and much to your delight, everything was just like it used to be.

this ending was kind of rushed in my opinion but i really hope you guys enjoy this :))

online school has started again for me today so that means lots of using my classes as podcasts while i write <3 i wish you all good luck with the rest of your school year (both online and physical) and hope you guys are staying safe!
happy reading and have a good day/afternoon/night/morning! <3333

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