Way Down Hadestown

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Okay so, sorry about the really random updates, but I have a math test next week and I'm starting an essay for writing. I also have fallen into reading a lot of Stranger Things and IT fics on Ao3. most of them have been reaction ones as of yesterday, so when I get to act two for this I might start an IT and Stranger Things watch their show/movies. 

On the Road to Hell there was a railroad track

"Wait, is the train actually comfortable?" To the confused looks she got, she added, "It's a valid question." Nobody answered her.

[PERSEPHONE, spoken]

Oh, come on!

There was a train comin' up from way down below

[PERSEPHONE, spoken]
That was not six months!

Persephone looked at Hades with an exasperated sigh. 

Better go and get your suitcase packed, guess it's time to go


She's gonna ride that train

Ride that train...

She's gonna ride that train

Ride that train!

She's gonna ride that train 'til the end of the line
'Cause the King of the Mine is coming to call
Did you ever wonder what it's like on the underside?

"Why would you want to know what it's like down there, if you ever were to find out you'd be dead." Persephone voiced what most people were thinking. 

Way down under

On the yonder side?

Way down yonder

On the other side of his lawn?
Follow that dollar for a long way down
Far away from the poorhouse door

You either get to hell or to Hadestown

"I mean that does make sense no mater how much I don't want to admit it does." said Hades.

Ain't no difference anymore!
Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground
and the whistle blow

Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground

[HERMES, spoken]                                                                                                                                                            Hound dog howl and the whistle blow

Train come a-rollin, clickety-clack
Everybody tryin' to get a ticket to go

Those who go they don't come back
They goin'
Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground


"Clickety-clack?" Orpheus asked, confused. "It's a sound basically." Elizabeth informed him.

Winter's nigh and summer's o'er
Hear that high, lonesome sound
Of my husband coming for
To bring me home to Hadestown

Hades and Persephone looked at eachother.

Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground

Down there, it's a bunch of stiffs                                                                                                                Brother I'll be bored to death

Gonna have to import some stuff

Just to entertain myself 

Give me morphine in the tin

Give me a crate of the fruit of the vine
Takes a lot of medicine
To make it through the wintertime

Is it really that boring down there?" Elizabeth asked Persephone. "Kind of." The later answered . Elizabeth nodded.

Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground

Every little penny in the wishing well
Every little nickel on the drum
On the drum!
All them shiny little heads and tails
Where do you think they come from?

They come from

Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground

Orpheus, the current musical genius in the room wondered it "Way Down Hadestown" was going to repeat throughout the show.


Everybody hungry

Everybody tired
Everybody slaves by the sweat of his brow
The wage is nothing and the work is hard
It's a graveyard in Hadestown  

"I mean yeah, it's where you go when you die." Elizabeth deadpanned.

Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground
Mr. Hades is a mean old boss

With a silver whistle and a golden scale


An eye for an eye!

And he weighs the cost


A lie for a lie!


And your soul for sale




To the king on the chromium throne



To the bottom of a Sing Sing cell

Where the little wheel squeals and the big wheel groans


And you better forget about your wishing well

"This is catchy." Eurydice said.

Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground

[HERMES, spoken]
On the Road to Hell, there was a railroad car
And the car door opened and a man stepped out

Everybody looked and everybody saw
It was the same man they'd been singing about

[PERSEPHONE, spoken]
You're early!

[HADES, spoken]
I missed you

"You're still early." Elizabeth said, Persephone nodded.

Mr. Hades is a mighty king
Must be making some mighty big deals
Seems like he owns everything

Kind of makes you wonder how it feels

It kind of does, thought Eurydice. 

All aboard...
A-one, A-two
A-one, two, three, four


Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground
Way down Hadestown
Way down under the ground
Way down under the ground
Way down under the ground

Everyone was impressed with how long some of those notes were held for.

619 words.

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