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So, my sister's birthday is today, and she hates the happy birthday song for some reason. So we were in bed this morning and my mom was like "Have your sister sing you a musical." Talking to my sister, so my sister goes "Waving Through A Window" and I was like, it's too early for this. Also where is the Kane Chronicles fandom?! 

[EURYDICE, spoken]

[ORPHEUS, spoken]

[EURYDICE, spoken]
You finished it

[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Yes! Now what do I do?

[EURYDICE, spoken]
You take me home with you!
Let's go, let's go right now!

Orpheus and Eurydice looked happy that they were going to stay together. Elizabeth looked a little sad, 

[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Okay, let's go...

[EURYDICE, spoken]
We'll walk, you know the way!
We'll just go back the way you came

It's a long road
It's a long walk
Back into the cold and dark
Are you sure you wanna go?

"Why wouldn't I go?" Eurydice asked, Orpheus shrugged. 

[EURYDICE, spoken]
Take me home

I have no ring for your finger
I have no banquet table to lay
I have no bed of feathers
Whatever promises I made
I can't promise you fair sky above
Can't promise you kind road below
But I'll walk beside you, love
Any way the wind blows

"I don't need any of that." Eurydice said, Orpheus just smiled at her, the rest of the room was watching the couple, wondering if they would get their happy ending. Persephone was remembering how in the first song, it said that it was a tragedy, making her think she wasn't going to like the ending of this. 

I don't need gold, don't need silver
Just bread when I'm hungry
Fire when I'm cold
Don't need a ring for my finger
Just need a steady hand to hold
Don't promise me fair sky above
Don't promise me kind road below
Just walk beside me, love
Any way the wind blows

"I will." Orpheus said, the couple hugged. 

[ORPHEUS, spoken]
What about him?

[EURYDICE, spoken]
He'll let us go, look at him
He can't say no

Hades had a feeling that he would let them go, but there would be a twist. 

What about them?

[EURYDICE, spoken]
We'll show the way
If we can do it, so can they

"Wait what?" Hades asked. 

"You'll see." Elizabeth said. 

I don't know where this road will end
But I'll walk it with you, hand in hand
I can't promise you fair sky above
Can't promise you kind road below
But I'll walk beside you, love
Any way the wind blows

"You two are adorable." Persephone said, almost everyone nodded. 

Do you let me walk with you?

I do

I do

I do

"That's smart." Hermes said. 

And keep on walking, come what will?

I will

I will

We will

"That song might be my favorite." Persephone said. 

359 words

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