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(you're depressed in this one)

Y/n was acting rather suicidal lately. They were constantly talking about murder and how they wish someone would kill them. Cup, her best friend since senior year, had finally come back from his trip to Paris.
He went back to their hometown in France, a small slum-like town where there wasn't a soul to be seen for miles.
He walked fall the ay back just to go see them. "Y/n, it's me! I got your letter!" Cup knocked o. The door of y/n's home and awaited an answer. "what are you doing here?" They asked once they opened the door. "Are you alright?" He asked. The bags under their eyes gave away they weren't at all. "What do you think?" They rubbed the back of their arm, feeling the pain they'd caused them self the night before.
"Come in, I'll make some tea." Cup stepped into the house and stared wide eyes at the mess of clothes that was everywhere and the drugs on the kitchen counter. "You're not at all ok, right?" He went behind them and gave their waist a tight hug. "Ow!" Y/n yelped out. "That hurts! Get the fuck off!" They screamed and undid the hug. "How come?" Cup asked. Y/n rubbed the side of their stomach. They rushed to eh restroom and replaced the bandages over the cuts they had made last night. "I'm fine, ok." They walked over and turned the kettle off. They poured the tea into foam cups and handed him one. "Have you been thinking about harming yourself again?" Cup asked. Y/n nodded sadly. "Is that why your body hurts?" He took a sip of the tea, closing his eyes. When he opened them, y/n had rolled up their sleeves and the side of their shirt, revealing the many scares they had made. "Oh my fucking God!" They spat out part of the tea and ran over to y/n. "Why did you do this, y/n??" He grabbed their palms and intertwined their fingers. "I hate my life." Y/n cried. They jumped into Cup's arms and let him carry them away and into heir bedroom. "That's why I'm back." He pecked their cheek, rubbing the side of their head. "I ain't planning to leave until I'm sure you're alright." He pulled their hair away from their face and cuddled them into their arms. "Then you're never leaving." Y/n smirked. He pulled the blankets over them both and rubbed over the wounds gently.
"That's fine." He gave y/n a small kiss on the lips. This made them blush like a cherry. They looked up at him and pulled him into another kiss. " Thank you." They whispered.
"Don't you worry, I'll get you through this nightmare." He gave them another kiss and they fell asleep, cuddling all night long.

Cuphead x reader (Why Not)Where stories live. Discover now