Stormy night🍿

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\\Cup's POV-\\
I was just in my room chilling, when she walked in and decided it would be a good idea to jump on me.
I had almost fallen asleep from the sound of constant rain against my window, but was brought back into the crude reality by a harsh slam on .y stomach.
"Gah!! What the hell is wrong with you!?" I held my stomach close and rolled over to look at her.
"Sorry sorry!" She apologized, waving her hands frantically infront of her face. "I'm not gonna hit you, so stop." I pulled her hands down and plopped a huge kiss on her lips.
She turned red and looked away. I took her hands and held then tightly. She looked back at me in pain and I kissed her again. She looked so flustered, I loved it!
"What's the matter?~" I asked. I pulled her down and sat up in bad with her in my arms. "You're embarrassing me." She hid her face in my chest. "Aww. But there's no one here." I pulled her hair a bit so she'd look up at me, causing her to help a bit.
"Ouch!" She hit my chest and cuddled ever further up my neck. "Why'd you come here?"
"I wanted from watch a movie." She said sort of muffled since she was hurried in the crook of my neck. "Oh alright." I pulled her off and gave her one last kiss.
"Which one?" I asked, leaning over the shelf with several discs.

(This takes place in the 90's ok there isn't any Netflix or shit)

"I don't know, which ever you want." She said. I picked out (f/m) and placed into the box-thingy.
I went back into bed with her and wrapped the blanket around us both. She hurried d her face into my chest again and I just sat there, petting her little head. She looked red as a tomatoes when she got up. "Heh." I kissed her forehead and went to go get some popcorn.
I came back and found out she'd takes her pants off. "What?" She asked, noticing I was standing like an idiot.
I was sort of stuck in a trance, just starting at her. I finally sat down and handed her the bowl if popcorn.
She ate it really quickly, hardly leaving any for me. I pecked her head and started feeling kinda bored near the end of the movie. I rubbed the side of her hip but she didn't move.
I looked down at her and noticed she was asleep. I smiled, living the sight. She looked so cute, all her (h/c) hair just in her face and her little frame are curled up next to me.
I felt myself go red. I turned the TV off and place the bowl of popcorn on the nightstand. I rolled back into bed with her and cuddled her till I fell asleep myself.

Cuphead x reader (Why Not)Where stories live. Discover now