Grape juice

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" The bitch hasn't texted me in weeks...where could she be? Is she ok? She won't respond to my messages. I'm beginning to think she blocked me.."
Mug sat down and sighed. "She didn't block you, bro. She just deleted all her social medias. She's been pretty sad lately and just doesn't feel like putting it all on your shoulders." He said with a huff. "Why'd she tell u think and not me?" The cup angrily threw his glass of juice, the glass shattering the moment it hit the floor. Mug jumped up from his seat and rushed dover to the broken glass. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you asshole!?" He picked up the fragments off the floor and threw them away in the trash bin. Cup stormed out if the kitchen and rushed out the front door.
"You imbecile! That was our last good glass!" He could hear his brother calling him, but he refused to go back. He jumped into his car and sped I've to the first place he knew you'd be. He hurried over to the ice cream shop and demanded to know where you were.
"Sir, (y/N) is not here at the moment. Please come back another day." Said your manager. He'd been here a number of times, always asking the same questions, "where's my bitch? Where's y/n?" .
He zoomed past several red lights and refused to stop even for crossing pedestrians. He went tall the way to your town and rung the dang bell as hard as he could.

"Cup? What're you doing here?" Y/N asked all startled. "Why the fuck didn't you answer my calls? Why the fuck have you been ignoring me for so long? Where were you? I just wanted from know what you were doing and if you are ok..." He said this all so fast, you barely managed to understand the first part. "Woah, hollup. What the fuck are you saying? I can't understand a single word!" You raised your hands and placed them on his shoulders. "Get in here."
"Baby, I just wanted from see how you were..." He said, a lot more calmly now. "I'm fine, thanks. Wasn't expecting you to show up I guess that's all that's troubling me.." you said. "I'm sorry for acting like that...I was just so fucking worried about you... You know how I get when I got this long without heading from you..." He fiddled with his fingers and rapped his foot on the floor anxiously. "You've been busy redecorating?" He asked. "Yes. I thought I'd do something new with this place... but that's not what I brought you in here for. I need to tell you something..." You said. He sat up, waiting for you to speak. He nibbled on his finger, anxiously expecting you to say something crazy.
"I've noticed my body change a tad too much since we know.." his expression and t form an anxious one to a more curious one. "I don't know what  you're talking about..." He said. "I'm pregnant... that's why I've been distancing myself from you a lot. I fixed up the house hoping I could raise the kid alone if you didn't want them... I'm so sorry for not telling you this..." He gasped in delight when he heard you.
"You're pregnant!? Oh my gawd! I'm gonna be a dad???? This is the best news of my fucking life, baby! Of course I want the kid! I'll r-raise em with you! I fucking love this! What're we gonna name em?" He jumped up and hugged you. He started spinning you both around happily. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He exclaimed happily.
"I-i thought you wouldn't want it since you've been pretty busy with your weird work...and I just thought--"BULLSHIT, BABY! IM KEEPING THE KID CUZ IT'S FUCKING MINE! I WNAT THAT KID ANS I'M GONNA KEEP THAT KID! FUCK MY WORK!"
He kissed you, hugging you tightly. "Baby, pack your fucking things! You're moving in with me!" He said.

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