Be quiet Bitch!

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It took weeks or begging and even more months of proving to be trustworthy before Cups finally got you to come sleep over at his house. Your parents were pretty strict and wouldn't let you even go out alone with him until they were sure he could be trusted. Eventually, they gave in and permit you to stay only one night over at his house and said that if he brought you back even an hour later than 8 AM, he'd never again be allowed to take you anywhere else. 

The rules were bothersome, but you were up for it. He did have to convince you too because you were also a bit of a prude(no offense). Even when all he wanted to do was hold your hand in public, you'd shy away and say that you shouldn't. But now, you were slightly more sure that he wouldn't try anything with you before asking. 

He drove over to your house, dressed in his best clothes, he came to pick you up. Your mother was still pretty hesitant, but still waved you farewell gracefully. You felt like you were being taken away forever form their side. This was all so new to you that you didn't know if you should be delighted or scared. Cup tried his best not to seem boring while on your way to his house. He owned a small house near a coffee shop where he worked. That's where you met him actually. You smiled as the car passed the pretty pink doors of the café and sighed, feeling whole again. "This is all very new to me, so do you mind telling me what exactly we're supposed to do?" You asked, stepping out of the car. You walked with him up the drive through and followed him indie the house. "We pretty much just hang out. The only exception is that your parents won't be here to watch over us like vultures." He laughed. You smiled and sat down on one of the kitchen stools. He poured you a glass of water and himself one of Brandy. "There are no more rules here. We are completely on our own now babe. No more manners and no more worryin' bout your parents' disapproval." He sipped his drink and smiled at you. "Are you sure we should be alone here like this?" You asked. 

"Are you scared of me? I'm not gonna do nothing to ya, doll. The last thing I want is to hurt you." This caused you a bit of relief. Your mother had warned you countless times to never trust men, but just hearing him say such kind words felt like nothing more than the truth. 

Night came a lot quicker than you'd expected. You and him had spent the evening talking about the things you two normally wouldn't have talked about if your parents were here. No, it wasn't anything all too sexual, but it did include some bits and pieces of it.

The only bed room in the house was Cup's and he didn't even have enough room to fix up a little mantel for himself to sleep on. Meaning, that because the bed was big enough, there was no room for one of you to sleep on the floor, and both you and him were kind of in the 'mood', you agreed to share the bed. 

You turned away from him and tried your best not to think about what would happen if y'all screwed tonight. He turned the other way, almost immediately falling asleep and snoring like crazy. You were too nervous to sleep. Yes, he had promised you he wouldn't touch you or hurt you, but he'd already had an entire bottle of Brandy, meaning his word was just as valid as a plastic ring dipped in gold paint to resemble the real thing. 

You were petrified. You didn't want to move because you were afraid you'd blow your own cover. You also just didn't feel like spending another second in bed with someone who could easily turn on you if given the chance. You turned over, so you could at least look at Cups from the corner of your eye. He didn't move. Just his chest going up and down with each breath he took. He was dead asleep. 

You watched him, carefully scanning every detail of his face. He was truly beautiful. His porcelain skin reflecting the faint candle light that illuminated the room. His lips a luscious salmon pink and his eyelids a deep grey. You couldn't help but stare. 

He began to toss and turn in his sleep, as if having some sort of a nightmare. You quickly moved out of the way, just to avoid getting kicked if he started sleep-fighting. He began to say things in his sleep. Faint words like 'no' and 'please'. You gently shook him, thinking he was having a nightmare, but what happened next completely changed your mind. 

He began saying your name over and over again, as if asking for you to come help him. His whispered moans made you feel kind of uneasy about the vibe in this room. You inched away from him, just watching him as he went from having a nightmare to some sort of a wet dream. He stopped when he realized he wasn't alone in bed this time. He shot his eyes open and looked at you. His face flashed red from the embarrassment. "Holy shit! I'm so sorry!" He sat up and covered his face with his hands. "I'm disgusting! I'm so fucking sorry, Y/n." He said. "No you're not, babe." You said. 

The next morning, as promised, he drove you home at exactly 8 AM and left without saying yet another word. Your parents interrogated you all day long, asking the most personal and unfiltered questions imaginable. 

You smiled however, remembering how he said your name.   

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