Love me~ (sorta lemon i guess)🍋

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(You're POV-)

I was just hanging out with my friends by the beach. The sun was long gone and the soft pink sky had started to turn a deep blue. We were all sitting by a huge fire we set up. The blazing light made it easy for us to see out here in the dark.
Though it was extremely rare for folks to come to this beach since it was so polluted, we did see some other folks walking around, near the other side. I waved at one of them and he waved back.

"I'll be right back, ok?" I told my friends and one of them handed me a switchblade. "In case." I took it with me and out it in my pocket.

"Hey fellas! Ya sure ya don't wanna come join us by the fire? It's cold out here." I called out to the two skinny men that were standing just a few meters away from me.
"Thanks miss, but we're good." Said the shorter one. "Alright. If ya change her mind, we're over there!" I waved and walked snack to sit down.

"Who were those two?" One of my friends, Cupper, asked. "I don't know. I asked them if they wanted to join us, but they said they were good." He frowned and looked at them carefully. "Ya could have told me to go talk to em. I don't like it when you risk people who could hurt ya, y/n." I chuckled. "What are you? My dad? Chill out, Cuppy. I'm fine. I'll let you know when there's a problem...cuz I'll be crying, 'bloody murder!' " i snorted. He sighed and huddle me in under his jacket. "Crazy bitch. Yer gon' get herself abducted one o' there days.." he said. I kissed his cheek and bud under his warm coat. "Drama Queen~" i teased. He scoffed and threw his drink into the fire. The flames spewed up with such force from the alcohol. I jumped and nearly fell off the bench.

"Wish there, silly!" He pulled me up and cradled me in his arms. "See what I mean?" He said, ruffling my hair.

I hit his shoulder, earning a huge slap on my back. "I just got my flu shot, dumbass! My arm!" He wailed out in his dramatic tone. I groaned and looked back at the spot where those two guys were supposed to be.

They were gone.

I shrugged it off and huddled myself under the warmth of Cup's coat. He squeezed my thigh, making me howl out in pain. "Asshole!" I tried slapping him, but he caught my hand and twisted my wrist real good! I winced and pushed myself off his lap. He picked me up and carried me to the shore.

"Cupper! Out me down! Mugman!! Come get your bitch!" I screamed, trying to get someone to help me out but they just laughed it off and kept on hitting their bong.

He dropped me into the sand with a loud "flomp!"  I grabbed my knife and waved it at him. "Hey the fuck back." I said jokingly. He rolled his eyes and took it from me.

When I tell you that he sent that thing flying, i mean it! He threw that little knife so damn far, i bet it pierced a fish all the way past the reef!

I was so caught up on that knife possibly never coming back, that i didn't realize he'd jumped on me. I nearly choked on my breath from his heavy body right on top of mine. I looked up at him and started to blush. "Get off of me~" i said. He refused and just kissed me, pressing himself up against my core.

I jolted up and made a somewhat weird moan from his sudden movements. "C-chill out, f-fuck!!~" I moaned. He just kept on grinding on me, kissing my neck whenever he got the chance. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, making more friction.

"No, seriously, let's go back." I said. He groaned and agreed. He got up and walked me back to the group.

But right as I was about to go sit down, i felt a hand firmly grip my bottom. I squeaked and slapped the fuck out of his perv ass!

"Sorry...sorry.." he said. We sat down and i made sure to sit at least a meter away from him. He would occasionally look at me andake faces, but I'd ignore him and smile.


I know...i haven't updated a lot as of recently...i know. I would like to apologize for that. I promise to get more chapters in a lot sooner (REQUESTS ARE STILL AND SILL FOREVER BE OPEN!!) if you have any suggestions, please don't feel shy and just tell meh👍🏽

Bye dollies!~♥️

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