💖Car Accident Pt.2-Jaden hossler

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Jadens POV
I'm just standing there looking at my girlfriend who doesnt even remember me the slightest bit and it hurts to know that she may not regain her memory back. My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor trying to get my attention
Doc-Jaden can we please talk outside real quick
Jaden-Yeah sure
We went outside t of Y/N room and in the hallway
Jaden-How could this happen how did she lose her memory
Doc-From the car accident obviously but her brain must've undergoed some trauma which made her forget who you are but if you just show her things you guys used to do she should be able to remember everything that her memory lost.
Jaden-Ok thank you doc
Doc-No worries now lets get Y/N ready to remember who you are
Jaden-Ok come on
We went back into Y/N room and the doctor told her that she was able to go back home bit first they had to do more tests on her which took about an hour or two. Once she was done being tested she was able to go home so we got her ready and we drove back home and when we got home it was aroung 8:30 pm.
Y/N-So this is our house
Y/N asked as we pulled up to the drive way
Jaden-Yup this is where you and I have been living for the past year and a half
Y/N-Its pretty big
Jaden-Yeah *chuckle* this was our dream home now come on lets go inside
When we got inside I helped Y/N looked around the house and showed her everything our bedroom, the bathroom, her work area, the backyard, just everything. When i was done showing her everything yall say at the kitchen table and just talked for a little bit
Jaden-So do you remember anything yet
Y/N-No I'm sorry I wish I did but-
Jaden-No No No dont apoligize its fine I didnt really expect you to remember anything this quick anyways
Y/N-So what do you do for a living
Jaden-Im a singer I have about 4 or 5 songs out now and its been pretty good so far
Y/N-Thats good ummmm what do I do for a living I know you showed me my work space already but it seems a little messy and I couldnt figure it out
Jaden-Your an artist you paint, make sculptures, You draw, you do a lot you were working on a drawing in your work space thats why its kind of messy because most of the drawings you did so you just put them to the side
Y/N-That sounds fun but stressful at the same time
Jaden-You had your stressful moments but you pulled it together in the end
Y/N-Full memory me seems like a strong girl
Jaden-Because ful memory you was a strong girl
Jaden-Yes babe- I mean Y/N sorry about that
Y/N-Its fine you can call me babe we are dating and I want to get my memory back so just do and say what you normally would.
Jaden-Yeah your right so what did you want to say
Y/N-That I'm tired
Jaden-Ok we can go to bed if you want
Y/N-Yeah but you don't have to if you dont want to
Jaden-I might as well I have to get up early tomorrow
Y/N-Ok come on
We both went upstairs and into our bedroom
Jaden-So do you just want to sleep in that or do you want me to get aome pajamas.
Y/N-Ummmmm pajamas if thats ok
Jaden-Yeah thats fine
I got out her favorite pajama set and gave it to her
Y/N-So where do I get dressed
Jaden-You usually get dressed in front of me but if you arent comfortable enough to do that yet you can get dressed in the bathroom right there
I pointed to the bathroom door so that she knows where it is
Y/N-Ok thank you
She walked to the bathroom and got dressed. I wasnt mad because she doesnt know who I am so I dont want to make her uncomfortable by telling her to get dressed in front of me. She came out about 2 minutes later and she looked beautiful as always. She looked at me for a little bit and asked
Y/N-So what do we do know
Jaden-What do you mean
Y/N-Is there something that we usually do or say before we go to bed
Jaden-Well I usually walk up to you wrap my arms around your waist tell you how beautiful you look and we kiss but you dont have to do that if you dont want to
Y/N-No its fine we can do it
Jaden-Really cuz I dont want you feeling uncomfortable 
Y/N-I said we could its no big deal
Jaden-Ok then
I walked up to her wrapped my arms around her waist and said what I do almost every night
Jaden-you look beautiful
Y/N-Thank you I apprecizte it
We both chuckled and I kissed her and it felt good after we released from.tye kiss we layed down and went to sleep.
The next day
I woke up and went downstairs to eat my brekfast and I decided to make Y/N some too. I made Eggs bacon and pancakes which is her favorite and once I was done I heaed her call my name
Jaden-Yea babe
Y/N-Where are you
Jaden-Im in the kitchen is everything ok
Y/B-Yeah everything is good I just didnt feel like wondering everywhere to find you
She came downstairs and into the kitchen and walked up to me
Y/N-What you doing
Jaden-Nothing now, I just finished cooking brekfast and its your favorite you always liked it when I or yourself cooked this
Y/N-It looks delicious
She said as she sat down at the table and we ate and talked about things that could possibky get her memory back in shape and soon enough it was time for me to get to work
Jaden-Ok I have to go to the studio to work on a song I will be back around 5 or 6. If you need me call me your password is (insert password ) and my contact is "my love" in your phone on
I was about to leave before she stopped me
Y/N-Wait arent you gonna kiss me goodbye
I walked up to her and kissed and ssid I love you before I left.
Ive only been at the studio for 2 out of the 6 hours that im usually there for and I get a call from Y/N
Jaden-Yes babe is everything ok
Y/N-Im lost
Jaden-What do you mean your lost
Y/N-I left the house and now I'm lost
Jaden-Y/N why would you leavw the house
Y/N-Im sorry jaden I just wanted to see if I recognized anything but then I got lost
Jaden-Its fine can you describe to me where you are at and I'll pick you up
Y/N-Its no where special but I'm in front of a McDonald's on Elmer st I think thats what the sign says
Jaden-Ok I'll be on my way dont move ok
We both hung up and explained to my team why I had to leave and they understood. I got in my car amd drove to Elmer st and found Y/N right where she said she was at a McDonald's she got in my car and we drove home
Y/N-I just want to apoligize for interrupting you while you were at work
Jaden-Its ok lets just go inside and relax
1 week later
Its been a week and Y/N hasnt gained much of her memory back which kind of sucks but I have to be paitent if I want her to gain her full memory back. I decided to take her to her work space so she can try to do what she does best and thats art
Jaden-Come on
Y/N-Where are we going???
Jaden-your work space
Y/N-oh ok
We went outside and into a large shed that Y/N had made her work space before the accident
Y/N-What are we doing here
Jaden-I brought you here so you could see some of the things you made and so you could try to make something and try to bring some part of your memory back.
She started walking around and looking at some of the things she made she stopped at a particular sculpture that she had made but never finished because she moved on to something else  
Y/N-Whats this
Jaden-Oh thats a sculpture you started working on but you stopped cuz you didnt know what to make out of it so you moved into something else
Y/N-I wish there was something made of it though
Jaden-Do you want to try and finish it??? Maybe you could remember something
Y/N-Jaden I dont know
Jaden-Come on maybe you can make something out of it. Oh yeah you used to play music but loudly so you could focus it made you feel better
I connected the speaker and turned on a song she liked and it started blasting through the speakers. She looked down at the unfinished sculpture then back at me
Jaden-Come on try something
Y/N-Jaden turn the music of please
Jaden-Come on Y/N this is how it used to be just try
Y/N-Jaden just turn the fucking music off!
After she said that I turned the music off. At this point in getting agitated its like she isnt even trying to remember.
Jaden-God damnit Y/N
I yelled causing her to flinch a little bit
Y/N-Jaden I-
Jaden-Are you even trying to remember anything?
Y/N-Of course i am why would you ask that
Jaden-Because you arent even acting like it your making it seem like you dont want to remember anything from before the accident its always been me giving the suggestions on what to get you to do yet you are still clueless about everything going on here
She started crying then scoffed before saying a word
Y/N-I would be making suggestions if I knew what to suggest. You are the only one who knows whats going in here while im here as clueless as can be. Do you t-think I wanted it t-t-this way cuz i didnt. I w-want to remember you because i-im pretty s-sure I was much h-h-halpier when I actually knew who you were and what all my surroundings were and fir you to think I do-dont want to remem-ber hurts cuz im trying m-my hardest to know w-whats going on here but its hard being this damn clueless about everything in my life.
She had tears streaming down her face and the next words I said is what stopped time for sure
Jaden-Y/N I dont think this is gonna work out
Y/N-Jaden dont say that this can work out if we just-
Jaden-I think we should break up
Were the last words I said before leaving the shed. Tears started streaming down my face as I walked further away from the shed. I love her so much but she obviously isnt getting anywhere with this.
He broke up with me and I dont blame him. Even though I didnt know him very well anymore I still wanted things to work between us I thought we could do it but he just gave up. I just sat on the floor with my head on my knees and my arms holding them up. But then a sudden memory came back
Flashback:6 months ago
Jaden-I will always love you no matter what happens because you are my soulmate
Y/N-I think you are my soulmate too and no matter what happens I will always love you
Y/N-I promise. Do you promise?
Jaden-I promise
And we kissed
End of flashback
And then a lot more memories from before and during the accident came rushing to me 
I got up and ran to the house hoping I could fix our relationship before it ended for good.
Jadens POV
I walked back inside and just kept crying. I knew this was the best for both of us since she wasnt getting her memory back.  I grabbed a beer or of the fridge and started drinking it in hopes of it making me feel better. After being inside for about 5 minutes I heard the door open smd close and rapid footsteps come closer and closer to the kitchen and she reached the kitchen with red puffy eyes and we started at each other for a little bit before she broke the silence
Y/N-We promised
Y/N-We promised that no matter what happens we would stay with each other.
Jaden-Y/N I know but- wait y-you remember that
Y/N-I remember everything Jaden out first kiss, our first date, when we moved in here, everything before and during the accident
Jaden-Does the mean your-
Y/N-Memory is back yes it is
Without hesitation I walked up to her and kissed her I had my person back and I was finally happy again. After we released from the kiss I hugged her and she hugged me back and started crying
Y/N-I need you in my life bubs please dont leave me
Jaden-Im not leaving baby I'm staying with you I promise
Y/N-Thank you
Jaden-No problem in just glad I have my person back

😁👍🏽 oh young love how I love to see it


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