💖&😫Kio Cyr-I want you

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Requested by samantha_12_12_
Me and my Girlfriend Olivia were arguing once again because she thinks me and Y/N are going behind her back and that im cheating on her with Y/N
Kio-Olivia you are acting dumb
Olivia-No im not I know you two are fucking behind my back
Kio-No we arent she is my friend
Olivia-You are a fucking liar just tell me the truth are you and Y/N fucking around behind my back
Kio-No we arent and thats the truth
Olivia-You know what whatever
She started walking out
Kio-Olivia come here
Olivia-No fuck you and fuck her too
She walked out and slammed the door this relationship is toxic but I love Olivia. I was irritated so I called Y/N
Kio-Hey Y/N
Y/N-Hey Kio whats up
Kio-Can you come over me and Olivia-
Y/N-Got in another arguement
Y/N-Im on my way
Kio-Ok see you in a little bit bye
Your POV
When Kio told me him and Olivia got in an arguement AGAIN I wasnt suprised
They argue all the time and I usually go over after and hang out with him and the sway boys. Once I got to the house it was about 7:30 so I  knocked on the door and Bryce answered.
Bryce-Hey Y/N Kio is upstairs
Y/N-How did you know that I was here for Kio
Bryce-Olivia stormed out of the house and to be honest this is starting to become a routine.
I laughed a little bit
Y/N-You are right
I walked in and went upstairs and saw Kio laying on his bed on his phone
Y/N-Im here
Kio-Hey Y/N come sit down
I sat down next to him and we talked for a little bit
Y/N-So what was this arguement about
Kio-She thought I was cheating on her with you and that we were fucking behind her back
Y/N-Wait what
Kio-Yeah and after I told her countless times there was nothing between us she called me a liar and left.
Y/N-Well thats definetly not true but she can believe what she wants to
Me and Kio kept talking amd I playfully slapped him in the face at one point but not to hard and he knocked me over and started tickling me
Y/N-K-Kio *laughs* stop t-t-tickling me *laughs*
Kio-Say you are sorry for slapping me in the face
Y/N-No n-never*laughs*
Kio-Ok then
He let go and I got up thinking he wasnt gonna tickle me anymore but I was wrong. He picked me up and slammed me on his bed and he started tickling me harder
Y/N-Kio s-stop *laughs*
Kio-Not until you apoligize for hitting me 
Y/N-Ok ok i-Im sorry now s-stop *laughs* ticking me
He stopped tickling me and I caught my breath he kept hovering over me and once I caught my breath we stared at each other for a little bit until he kissed me and I didnt release from it. It felt wrong but it also felt right. He went to my neck and then started to take off my shirt but I stopped him
Y/N-Wait what about Olivia
Kio-I- uh I broke up with her
Y/N-Oh ok
He took off my shirt and I took his shirt off too and he started to take my bra off then kissed down my body until he got to my underwear. He started to rub me roughly before taking off my underwear and inserting two fingers in me.
Y/N-Oh my god kio
I moaned out in tons of pleasure then he started to suck on my clit roughly which added to the pleasure and soon enough I felt my high approaching.
Y/N-K-Kio im gonna cum
Kio-Do it babygirl
Seconds later I came and he licked it all up.
Kio-are you sure you wanna do this???
Kio asked for consent
Y/N-Yes but Kio I have to tell you something
Kio-what is it
Y/N-Im.a virgin
Kio-Its ok ill be gentle
He stuck his dick inside of me and it did hurt Not gonna lie but after a while the pain turned into pleasure
Kio-Yes baby girl
he said in between groans
Y/N-Go faster
Kio-Ok bet
He started to go very fast and I became a moaning mess
Kio-Your so tight babygirl
I moaned in his response and then I felt my second orgasm approaching
Y/N-Kio im close
Kio-same babygirl tell me when
After about 2 minutes it got closer
Y/N-Im cumming
Kio-Let it out babygirl
I came and so did he (You are on birth control so he didnt have to pull out)
He layed next to me before we took a shower and layed down and by that time it was already 10:00 so we fell asleep.
When I woke up it was 9:30 am and I saw that Kio wasnt there anymore so I assumed he got up before me. I got up and went downstairs. I was about to go to the kitchen  until I heard Bryce and Kio talking in the living room ao I stopped on the last step and listened.
Bryce-I thought you and Olivia were together
Kio-We are why do you think we aren't
Bryce-Because I heard you and Y/N fucking last night
Kio-I used her just to het my mind off of Olivia
Bryce-Did she know you and Olivia are still together
Kio-No I lied to her and told her we broke up and her stupid ass believed me and she is a virgin so you already know it was tight. I just still cant believe she trusted me to take her virginity and that I broke up with Olivia
Bryce-Thats not cool Kio you basically just used her as your little sex toy
Kio-Because thats what she was Bryce I had sex with her and now im gonna drop her.
By this time I was standing in the living room not to close to Kio and Bryce but not to far from them either. Thats when Bryce noticed me
Bryce-Ummm Kio
Kio-What Bryce
Bryce-Turn around
Kio-Why do you want me to-
Thats when he saw me. He had a shocked expression on his face and at this point I had tears streaming down my face
Once I turned around I saw Y/N standing right there with tears streaming down her face I felt kinda bad to be honest but I dont know why I was planning on leaving her anyways.
Kio-Y/N I
Y/N-I-I was just some sex toy to you
Kio-No Y/N I-
Y/N-Save it Kio
She ran outside and I went outside to get her
Kio-Y/N wait
She didnt reapond she just kept walking
I said while grabbing her arm
Y/N-Kio let me go
Kio-Y/N please let me explain
Y/N-Explain what Kio you lied to me. YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!!!!! You told me you and Olivia broke up. But you were just using me for pleasure you asshole.
Kio-Y/N I know it sounds bad but its not-
Y/N-It doesnt sound bad Kio. It is bad, I let you take my fucking virginity just to figure out I had my emotions played with. Now let me go Im going home
Kio-Y/N No I
Y/N-I said let me go
She slapped me in the face which caused me to end up letting go of her arm and she ran to her car and drove away.
I was walking back into the house and I saw all the boys just standing by the doorway
Bryce-If she was just a one time thing why did you go after her
Kio-I-I dont know
Noah-Maybe you like her more than just someone to fuck with
Kio-Impossible Im with Olivia
Blake-May I remind you that Olivia is toxic as fuck you two argue almost everyday
Kio-Maybe you are right. Wait no you arent. I dont love Y/N I love Olivia
Josh-If you did love Olivia as much as you say you wouldnt have tried to go after Y/N you wouldve just let her be.
Kio-Whatever guys lets just go back Inside.
We al went back inside and we didnt talk about the situation at all.
Your POV
Once I got to my house I went to my room and cried my eyes out. Kio was just uding me for pleasure which is not something I thought he would do but the world is full of suprises isn't it. I took a shower and I cried a lot more there and then I just layed on my bed and went on my phone not leaving my room once the whole day
I still havent left my room this whole week except to tale a shower. I haven't even ate thats how much pain im in right now. I hope Kio is happy with Olivia though and I hope he is happy that ha threw our whole friendship away because I havent talked to Kio ever since I found out his intentions. He has tried texting me and apoligizing but I just keave him on read I never want to talk to him again.
Ever since that incident happened a week ago I havent done much. I mostly stay in my room except to shower and eat. I have been crying a lot at night because of it. That's when I realized who and what I really wanted and that was Y/N. So I broke up with Olivia and she was pissed
Kio-Yes Im very serious
Olivia-I bet its because of that little slut that you have been sleeping around with huh
Kio-Dont call her that and I never slept with her
Olivia-Bullshit Josh told me what happened a week ago
To be honest I wasnt mad that Josh told her I could honestly care less. I just wanted to get out of Olivia's prescence
Kio-Ok and that was the first time and the only time
Olivia-Ok whatever I hope you both burn in hell
Kio-Whatever Olivia
After all of that madness I left and started driving to Y/N house. I was kind of scared about what was gonna happen but I needed to tell her how I felt. Once I got to her house I hesitated but I knocked on the door. Once she answered she looked at me with shock. She had a hoddie on and her eyes were bloodshot it made me feel very bad.
Y/N-W-what are you doing here
Kio-I came here to talk to you
Y/N-Kio I- I dont want t-to talk to you.
Kio-Y/N please hear me out
Y/N-There is nothing to hear your intentions were pretty clear a week ago now go home
She said that while trying to close her door but I opened it back and walked in
Kio-Y/N please just listen to me
Y/N-Kio go home
Kio-Y/N please
Y/N-No kio I said go home
She was about to walk upstairs to her room until I yelled
Kio-I broke up with her
Kio-I broke up with Olivia for real this time. I figured out who I really wanted
Y/N-Kio I-
Kio-I love you Y/N
I said while walking up to her
Kio-Its you I want not Olivia
Y/N-You're lying
Kio-No im not
Y/N-Yes you are I dont believe this
Kio-How about now
Y/N-what are you talking ab-
I cut her off and kissed her and she kissed back which gave me a sense of relief. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist
Kio-I love you Y/N
I said once we releades from the kiss
She just hugged me and I hugged her back
Y/N-I guess I love you too
Those words made me happy i picked her up and spinned her around and she laughed we kissed one more time before watching a movie in her room
Me and Y/N are still together and I couldnt be happier. She makes me feel the way no other girl had before. I hope that I can spend the rest of my life with her
Kio-Yes baby
I said while putting my arms around her waist
Y/N-how do I look
I took a closer look at her. She was wearing a black skin tight dress with light makeup and heels since we were going out to eat to celebrate our anniversary. I just kept staring but she took it the wrong way
Y/N-Does it look bad im gonna go change
She was about to walk away to change but I grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me then kisssed her softly
Kio-You look amazing baby more than amazing words cant even describe how you look because thats how beautiful it is dont change I love it.
Y/N-Aweeeee Thank you baby
Kio-No problem come on were gonna be late
Y/N-Ok come on
We left and we went to Boa steak house and we had a good time and I had one more suprise in store.
Y/N-Yes baby
Kio-Stand up really quick
Y/N-Oh um ok
Kio-Attention everybody
Everyones eyes went to us
Kio-This is my girlfriend Y/N and she makes me the happiest I have ever been in my life
Y/N-Kio what are you doing
Kio-you'll see......We have been together for about a year now and Im very glad to call her mine thats why
I pulled out a box and looked over at Y/N who still had a confused look on her face but everyone else seemed to get the memo and started recording. I got down on one knee amd Y/N put her hand over her mouth and started tearing up a little bit.
Kio-Y/N ever since we got together I knew for sure I wanted to be with you for the reat of my life thats why im asking right now. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N (your middle and last name if you didnt know what the M and the L ment) will.you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me.
She stood there frozen for like 5 seconds before she said something
Y/N-Omg Kio of course I will marry you
Those words made me very happy. I put the ring on her finger and kissed her and everyone started clapping.
This is most definetly one of the best days of my life
Authors note
This one is very very long but im glad someone requested it. If you want to see something specific comment who and what you want it to be about and I will do it. Sorry if there are any mistakes or errors I dont proofread cuz i my friends am to lazy for that 😔🤛

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