💖😭Tayler Holder-Suicide

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⚠ Trigger Warning ⚠
This chapter contains suicide and self harm. If you are sensative to this topic please DO NOT read this chapter.
Your POV
I was on my phone waiting for Tayler to come back home from the store. Out of no where my phone started to blow up and most of my notifications were comments on some of my tik tok posts. But they werent the nicest. Once I opened tik tok and went to my inbox I was greeted with an amount of hate comments.
Kill yourself
You are a fat ugly pig
You dont deserve Tayler
What does Tayler even see in you
Lose weight
You are so ugly
Tayler could do so much better
The worst person on this app
All of those comments are things I see on the daily and I believe them. I am just some fat ugly pig who doesn't deserve Tayler. Im so sick and tired of all of this and im pretty sure Tayler is tired of me too. I was done
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife I could find. Back and forth and back and forth the knife motioned as it was putting deep cuts onto my arms. I put as many as I could fit which equaled to the amount of pain I have been caused from the comments I had veen recieving. I picked up my phone and texted Tayler my final goodbye

Baby I hope you know that I love you with all my heart. Im just beginning to get very hurt and sick and tired of these comments. I just hope that you can find someone who will be good enough for you and beautiful enough for you. Everything I wasnt basically. I love you and I will see you soon until next time bubs
Delivered 11:45 pm
The sound my phone made after falling out of my hand after I sent the text and right along with it my body falling to the ground right next to it. That being the last thing I remember

Taylers POV
I got home from the store after getting things we needed in the house and some snacks for later. When I pulled up to the houss the room and Kitchen light was on but I didnt pay any attention to It. I walked inside and called for my beautiful girlfriend. God I cant wait to have a future with her, she is literally perfect.
She didnt answer
Tayler-Y/N where are you
She still didnt answer so she must be asleep. My phone died on the way to the store so I put it on the charger on my way back so It should be at a good percentage by now. I turned on my phone and It started spamming me with notifications then I noticed that I had gotten a text from Y/N and once I finished reading the text I began to panick I dropped all my bags causing certain things to break and started running around the house to look for Y/N
Tayler-Y/N!!!!!.........Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!
Once I got to the kitchen there she was laying on the ground with blood surrounding her
I ran to her and scooped her up in my arms and immediatley started cryin and called 911
Tayler-Someone help please
911-Sir what happened
Tayler-its my girlfriend she tried to commit suicide
911-Someone is on the way the wait is 5 minutes
Once they hung up on me I held her tighter and tried to put pressure on her wounds I took my jacket and my shirt off and tied them around her arms so that the blood would stop coming out so fast but it wasnt working
Tayler-It will be ok baby you will make it and when you do we are gonna come home and were gonna watch movies and eat the snacks I bought for us and I also bought you that shirt you liked its in one of those bags over there. And you dont even know how excited I am for the future our first house together (you are at your house and Tayler is visiting) our kids hopefully we have 2 or 3 however many you want. You are a very strong person and I know you will make it through this just stay that stong person no matter what. Just please stay with me baby I need you here with me

Thats when the ambulance came and took her out of my arms there was blood everywhere and on me so I changed and rushed to the hospital
3 hours later
I was sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting room waiting for the doctors to tell me if she was ok and finally one came out
Dr-Tayler Holder are you here
Tayler-Im right here
I walked up to the doctor
Dr-Im sorry to say this but your gifriend didnt make it
Tayler-What do you mean she didnt make it
Dr-She died Tayler im so sorry
Tayler-n-no there has to b-be som-ething you ca-can do she cant be d-ead
Dr-She hit many veins and lost a lot of blood we tried but we are sorry there is nothing we can do to revive her.
Tayler-Can I see her just one more time
Dr-Of course follow me
He guided me to her room and we went inside and he left and gave us time alone. I just stood there heart broken seeing her lifeless body just laying there. I grabbed a chair amd sat next to her and held her hand in mine
Tayler-Baby i-im sorry i was-nt th-there I could've saved you but I d-didnt. Remember I will a-always love you and I-I will never forget you fly high angel until we meet again
I kissed her on the head and started crying harder I walked out of the room and walked out of the hospital once I got in my car I just broke down
Tayler-FUCK!!!!!!My baby is g-gone she is gone forever.
I didnt want to go to her house but I sure as hell didnt want to go to mine so I went to sway because every
one was hanging out there. Once i got to the door I knocked at the door and Bryce answered
Bryce-Ayoooo whats up Tayler wheres Y/N
That made tears come out my eyes a lot
Bryce-Tayler whats wrong what happened come inside
I went inside and all eyes went on me
Noah-Tayler what's wrong
Tayler-She was just laying there I tried to save her but I couldnt she died
Nessa-Tayler what are you talking about
Chase-Wheres Y/N
Dixie-No you are lying
Nessa-She cant be gone she was ok yesterday
Charli started crying
Charli-s-she was a sis-ter t-to me
Bryce-we are so sorry Tayler it hurts to know this but I cant imagine how you feel right now
Tayler-Thank you Bryce is it ok if i stay the night
Bryce-No problem just go to the guest room you can sleep there
Tayler-Ok thanks
I went upstairs to the guest room and started crying more until I fell asleep
Its been a week since I saw Y/N and they have been the worst. I miss her so much I havent posted anything and my fans are starting to get worried so Charli, Dixie, Bryce, Chase, Nessa, and I all decided to go live together.
                      The live stream
Tayler-Hey guys I wanted to explain why we espescially me havent been posting. A week ago my girlfriend Y/N killed herself and yes I turned off the comments because I already knew people were gonna say things we didn't like
Charli-It has all affected us greatly because Y/N was like a sister to me and Dixie
Dixie-Yeah and this week has been terrible its very hard without her because we all loved her espescially Tayler
Chase-Thats why some of us made the decision to take a break from social media such as me
Tayler-and me too
Nessa-Bryce and I will continue to post for you all but not as much as we used to it just depends on our moods
Bryce-and some of them might feature in our videos but they wont be posting on their accounts whether its snapchat,Instagram,Tik tok and the other social medias. And we all just want to say some other things too for Y/N. I will always miss her and she was my bestfriend we loved to do dances together and blast music in the car and a lot more I love you and miss you
Charli-Im sorry I cant do this
She got up and left
Dixie-I love you and miss you Y/N with every given day that you are gone rest in peace angel
Nessa-She was my bestfriend and no matter what happens she will always be in my heart I miss you and I hope you love your new home up in heaven I really miss you Y/N. Tayler do you want to say anything
Tayler-Yeah ummmm.....Where do I start. When we met we became friends immediately and I remember our first date and our first kiss and I love you and I wouldnt want to expirience it with anybody else. You were amazing and you still are. I really love you and you were so beautiful and to think that people would hate on you for being woth me is so wrong. If you are one of the people that hated on her and saying that I deserved better and that she was ugly. You are wrong I didnt deserve her and she so beautiful and perfect. She was one of the people that I imagined my future with and I was excited about that but people took that away from me. I just hope that you wait for me in heaven angel. Fly high beautiful
And with that I ended the live
Bryce-Good job man I know that was hard
Tayler-Thank you imma go upstairs
Dixie-Go ahead
I went upstairs amd It felt good to get that off my chest but it still hurt. I just hope that she is doing well in the afterlife
Authors note
Just know that suicide is never the answer and dont listen to anyone that tries to bring you down because whatever bad things thwy say about you they are wrong you are loved by many people dont let a couple say something different. N E Wayzzzzzz sorry if there are any errors and mistakes I dont proofread because im to lazy 😌💅

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