💖Blake Gray-The break up Pt.2

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Your POV
Blake kept texting me but i didnt respond because I didnt want to talk to him so I just kept him on read. I go to my brother David's house since my parents don't want me anymore I knocked on the door and he answered
David-Hey Y/N come in
I go in the house still very very wet frim walking in the rain.
David-Explain to me everything that happened.
Y/N-I was in the shower and Blake had asked to use my phone so I let him and You had texted me while he still had it and he didn't know your name was bubba in my phone. He also got mad at the fact that you said not to tell anyone and I love you which i fully understand. I came downstairs from my shower and i tried to kiss him and he wouldn't let me. He brought up the messages and i tried to explaim everything but he thought you were somw dude i wws sleeping around with
David-Did you tell him who I really was
Y/N-I tried but he wouldn't let me say anything then he also started calling me stuff like a whore and a slut and it just makes me mad and sad at the fact that he didnt let me speak about anything, so I hadto write a note explaining what was going on because that was the only way he would listen.
David-Damn Y/N im sorry
Y/N-Its ok I really loved him and it hurts to think that he really thought i cheated and on top of that he didnt even let me speak.
David-He is just being a stupid little asshole thats all now why dont you go take a shower and warm up
I went to go take a shower and I heard a knock on the door and David opened it but I couldnt hear who it was so I just continued on with my shower.

Davids POV
After Y/N went to go take a shower I heard a knock on the door so I answered it and i saw........Blake.

David-I dont think she wants to talk to you right now
Blake-David please let me in I want to talk to Y/N
David-and why should u let you huh my sister came in hear crying and cold because of you. Then she told me everything about what happened and the fact that you didnt let her explain is stupid as hell. It was me who texted her not some other guy and if you really think Y/N would ever cheat in you, then you either dont know her well enough or you never listened to a thing she said. And its one thing to get angry but its another to call someone a whore or a slut when you are angry WHEN YOU DIDNT EVEN LET THEN EXPLAIN. I-
Thats when Y/N came out of the room o gave her with new clothes looking very confused about whats going on

Your POV
After I got out of the shower I started getting dressed but I heard yelling and it sounded like David but I still couldnt Comprehend the other voice it was to soft. When I was finished with getting ready I heard a louder yell so I left the room that David is letting me stay in to see what was going on.
Y/N-David whats going on whos at the d-
Thats when I saw Blake. Someone who I thoght never wantes to see me again is standing in front of me right now.

Blakes POV
Once Y/N and I made eye contact I could see her eyes welling up with tears and it broke my heart to see her that way since I was the one causing the pain and hurt.
Y/N-What are you doing here
Blake-I came to see you
Y/N-Why would you want to do that. I thought i was just a whore and a slut that you hated and wanted nothing to do with anymore.
She started walking away and I felt really bad because I didnt let her explain anything and I let my anger get the best of me and I said those things and I could tell he was still hurt.
Blake-Can I please come in and talk to her
David-Yeah sure come in but please dont hurt her anymore than what she is already.
Blake-I promise
I walk to her room and see her crying on her bed and I felt really bad because I could tell she is hurt so I just sat on her bed beside her and tried to cuddle her but she moved away from me.
Y/N-Dont touch me
Blake-Y/N please I-
Y/N-I dont wanna hear it Blake I know how you really feel about me
Blake-I didnt mean it Y/N
Y/N-Oh really
Y/N-It didnt seem like it at the house
Blake-Y/N I was angry it was all in the moment
Y/N-YOU DIDNT EVEN LET ME SAY A WORD YOU HAD NO REASON TO BE MAD YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW MY SIDE OF THE STORY YOU WERE BECAUSE SO QUICK TO ASSUME THAT I CHEATED ON YOU. I Love you Blake I would never cheat on you and for you to think that hurts me soooooo bad I have never given you a reason not to trust me.

At this point she was crying so I hugged her and she hugged me back which made me more happy and less sad.
Blake-Y/N im soooooo sorry please forgive me I love you and I always will i didnt mean any of those words I said I want you and need you in my life without you im incomplete im sorry for not letting you explain.
Y/N-I dont know Blake you hurt me you obviously dont trust me relationships arent healthy if you dont trust.
Blake-I trust you Y/N I swear i do I-
Y/N-Blake No you dont
Blake-Yes I do
Y/N-If you trusted me you wouldnt have assumed that I cheated on you and you would know that I would never in my life hurt you like that
Blake-Y/N I cant live without you please just don't leave me let me show you that I really do love you
At this point I was crying because I didnt want to lose her and then out of no where her brother comes in
David-If I were you I would take him back.
Y/N-How long have you been there
David-Ive been listening outside of your door for the past 10 minutes and I know that its not my right to say anything or make decisions for you but I think you should take him back he does love you and my messages were a little sketchy looking now that I look back at them but thats your choice and your choice only. And i dont feel like taking care of my baby sister for the next 2 years until you find a place of your own
She threw a pillow at him which made both of us laugh and then her brother left and it became silent
Blake-Listen I know you are mad at me and you have every right to be but I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for everything that happened earlier and I really want you to come back to me but its understandable if you dont just consider it please.
I start to walk out the door and by the time.I was half way to my car she called my name and a sense of relief flooded over me
Your POV
I really hated blake for earlier but he was right he couldnt live without me and I couldnt live without him. No matter what it was like I would still run back to him because I love him and I always will and he loves me too. Once he stsrted to walk out the door i realized what I really wanted so I ran outside and it was still raining but I didnt care he was halfway to his car and I called out for him
He turned around and he had a look of relief on his face.
Y/N-I love you
Blake started smiling and he ran to me and kissed me but it wasnt like any of our other kisses this one was more passonite and loving.
Blake-Come back home
Y/N-Of course
He kissed me again and i realized how happy I was to be with him je was the love of my life and I never wanted to let him go. His forehead touched mine and we just looked at each other then let out a little laugh

You&Blakes thoughts
This is most definetly the love of my life

Third person POV
You and Blake were soaking wet from being in the rain for so long so he drove you guys back home and the next day David brought all of your stuff back to your house and everything was just perfect.

Blakes POV
Y/N took me back,She came back home. Everything was just perfect we were both very happy and nothing ever got between us ever again and we planned to keep it that way
Y/N-Yes babe
Blake-I love you sooooo much
Y/N-I love you too more than you could ever imagine.
The end

Authors note
I hope you huys like this part two it took a while to write since i had school and other things to do. Love you all
Word Count:1682

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