💖Blake Gray-The Break up

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Blakes POV
I was on Y/N's phone trying to look up something when she got a text

Hey i cant wait to see you later

Wait who is Bubba why she seeing and why didnt she tell me and then more messages started popping up from this Bubba guy and he is practically blowing up her phone

Make sure you dont tell anyone espescially him

Hey you there

Hello Teddy bear

Well text me when you can love you

At this point my blood is boiling she is cheating on me. He told her not to tell him about anything and definetly not to tell me and then he called her Teddy Bear. Like Wtf!!!!!!!! Then after that Y/N came in the living room after taking a shower
Y/N-Hey babe
she tried to give me a kiss but I wouldnt let her and she looked at me confused
I came down stairs and saw Blake standing up from the couch
Y/N-Hey babe

I tried to give him a kiss but he wouldn't let me and I was hella confused he looked mad but i didn't know why i didn't do anything. So I tried again and he wouldn't let me again

Y/N-Babe whats wrong
Blake-I know you are cheating on me
What the FAWKKKKKKKKKK why would he think im cheating on him
Y/N-Blake im not cheating on you, where did you get that from????
Blake-Oh I don't know because this dude named Bubba kept texting you

Is this bitch fuckimg serious Bubba is my brothers nickname his real name is David but ive been calling him bubba for ages

Blake-Oh and he is calling you teddy bear

Ok I can explain that. When I was a baby I was very chubby so literally everyone calls me Teddy bear including my brother,mom,dad,and sister

Blake-And he is telling you not to tell me anything
Y/N-Blake why were you going through my messages
Blake-I wouldn't be if the person you have been sleeping around with didnt text me and expose your ass
Y/N-Blake im not sleeping around with anyone
Blake-Stop fucking lying Y/N the proof is right there on your fucking phone
Y/N-This so called proof isnt what it looks like
Blake-It never is
Y/N-What is that supposed to mean???
Blake-It means whores like you always say "iTs noT wHat it lOokS lIkE"
Y/N but it really isnt thats my-
Blake-I dont wanna hear it Y/N you literally just threw 2 years down the drain because your hoe ass can't keep your legs closed for other guys
At this point im crying my eyes out but Blake doesnt seem to care
Y/N-If you just let me explain everything it will all make sense
Blake-I dont want to hear your lame ass excuses. What are you gonna say "oH bLaKe I wasnT chEatIng hE is JuSt a fRienD"
Y/N-No he is my-
Blake-I dont wanna hear it get out were done
Y/N-No blake no let me explain
Blake-There is nothing to explain you cheated I found out and now we are over now get your shit and get out now i dont want to see you here anymore
Y/N-If you really loved me you would letvme explain to you everything that is going on and if you really loved me you wouldn't believe that I would actually cheat on you
Thats when i went upstairs and packed my things and left without saying goodbye because I knew he didnt want to see me again but if he would just let me explain everything that was going on we would still be together. Me and my brother David are throwing a suprise birthday party for Blake since his birthday is a couple of weeks away, we are also teaming up with Blake's family members like his mom and stuff so they can help out and we can all suprise him.
Blakes POV
I went upstairs and saw that Y/N was officially moved out. But why didnt she say goodbye???? Then I saw a note on my pillow and my heart broke when I read it

Dear blake,
If you are reading this i more than likely already left but im pretty sure you dont care. Since you wouldn't let me explain in person I might as well explain through paper and pencil. Bubba is my brother David. Ive been calling him that for years and He calls me teddy bear,actually almost everyone in my family calls me teddy bear since i was such a chubby baby and ive been being called teddy bear by everyone ever since. Im sorry for making you think I was cheating on you but it seriously wasnt what it looks like but what he didnt want me to tell you was that we were planning a suprise birthday party since your birthday is in a few weeks ask your mom she can back me up on that. Just know I love you and I would NEVER EVER EVER cheat on you but you obviously dont know that or trust me enough to believe me. I hope life is good from now and on I will always love you Blake please remember that
-Y/N Y/L/N

Oh no What have i done. I feel so stupid i forgot she had a brother. I just let the love of my life go because I was so mad and i was so sure she was cheating on me but she wasnt. She is to good for that. But I was to mad to believe her I am literally the definition of stupid. I started crying after i read the letter because i felt bad. I called her all of those names and she didn't deserve it one bit I tried texting her but she wouldnt budge I dont blame her If i were her i wouldnt text me back either.

Baby please talk to me

Baby Im sorry i just read your letter

I know you dont want to talk to me but please just say something so that I know you are ok

Im coming over

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