~Chapter 3~

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The next morning I was woken up at the ungodly hour of six am by loud arguing in the living room. In other words Rosa and her boyfriend were fighting. Quickly I got myself ready for school. After pulling on the school shirt that was too tight and skirt that somehow didn't have my ass hanging  out I swiftly went into the kitchen and as quiet as possible started on breakfast.

After making a plate of bacon, eggs, fried cheese and fried salami for tia I took out a slice of bread, toasted it and ate it while slipping through the door unnoticed.


When I got to school I took out my prehistoric phone (a flip phone, sad I know) and texted Ruby that I was in the library. After I saw the message was sent I sat myself on the window sill and looked outside with my head resting on the cool glass.

It really was a beautiful day, it was mid September which meant fall was just around the color giving the leaves the start of their beautiful change in colors. Outside  I could see a few girls littered around the school garden talking either to each other or on their phones. They were all the same yet different in their own way, one thing for sure is that they were all loaded. Heck, money is practically the only way to get into this school, well that and brains. But as far as I knew they were all stuck up brats who got satisfaction from Starbucks and putting others down each day.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the clinking of heels and snickering of three girls next to me.

"Oh look here girls, its the poor girl. Don't get too close you might catch the poor illness" This came from Becky Simpson slut of the block, cheerleader, social queen and daughter of New Yorks biggest entrepreneur. With her Louis Vitton heels Prada purse and money she swore that she had the world revolving around her.

Next to her were her minions Marissa and Suzie. They were in less power than her but nonetheless were rich as fuck and had every teacher wrapped around their finger. All it took was a bitchy word to their daddies and they could do their bidding as they pleased.

"What do you want Becky? Don't you have some makeup to fix or teacher to fuck so you don't fail?" I fired back, I might not be rich like these bitches but I don't let people walk all over me either.

"Oh look, it speaks." she said followed by a line of snickers from her minions.

"Yea, and it also has a fist that'll make contact with your botox fake face if you don't shut the hell up." I said back starting to get pissed off.

"You wouldn't." She said with a face that was supposed to be threatening but instead made her look constipated.

Trying to not laugh I kept a straight face and stood up with my fist clenched. "Try me. We both know what happened last time you did, which reminds me. How's your nose?" I said with a slight smirk remembering the last time I got in a fight with her and fractured her nose.

"Okay, okay ladies let's not get too worked up before school even starts" said a new voice. Looking to my side I saw Ruby there standing with her bag on one shoulder and hands between Becky and I.

"Oh please," Becky went on now with both arms across her chest, "Bitch you wanna fight me? The park after school, we'll settle this." 

"Be there, and we'll see how things go down" I yelled back while being pulled out the library by Ruby. You know, with the amount of money this school has you might think they would hire a decent librarian, but no we have a lazy old lady whose only rule is don't wake her up while she naps-which is all the time-.

Walking to our lockers she let out a sigh and I knew what was coming next. You see Ruby is a very peaceful person and without her I probably would have fought every person in this school, teachers included. She honestly believed that fighting was stupid, her and I were complete opposites. She was strikingly beautiful whereas i was just, meh. Her dirty blonde hair helped her baby blue eyes pop out. She had a slim figure and a light complexion that made her look like an angel. I don't know how she's still my friend but I'm happy she is or else I don't know how I would manage. She's kept me mostly in order, I still fought sometimes but it was always with the same person. You could say I was stubborn and hot headed but I prefer the term 'I'm not a fucking doormat so don't try me'.

"Honestly Mayra, I don't understand why you can't go a week without fighting someone. I mean seriously! Everyday! If it's not a physical fight it's a verbal one. Ok I'm done now lets walk to class" after she finished her rant I let out a light chuckle and started to walk with her to start the treacherous school day.


AN UPDATE WHAAAATTT. Hello my beautiful humanoids, I seriously cant believe how many people are reading this...or were when I last checked.

I love you guys and am trying to work out an updating schedule, so for now please bear with me.

I love you guys so much and really i mean it when i say i want you to VOMANT -vote, comment, fan and all that good jazziness-



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