~Chapter 8~

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Briiiinnnnggg. Briiiinnnggg. Briiiiinnn-

"Shut up" I groaned, slamming my hand onto my phone and then quickly regretting it as I heard it slam onto the floor.

"No no no no no no no no" I mumbled quickly picking it up from the floor and examining it.

Breathing out a sigh of relief that there were no scratches or cracks I started my morning routine.

Thirty minutes later I was finishing the last curl in my hair as I rushed to go eat breakfast. Typically I would put little to no effort into looking good for school but today I figured I should make an effort.

Running down to thr kitchen I ignored the pain in my chest from my boobs hopping from all the running. That is until I made it to the kitchen and bent over finally feeling the pain.

"Umm, hey Mayra," I heard a voice nearby say. Looking up I saw Carlos and Derek with a plate of pancakes between them.

"Are you... alright?" Carlos asked me raising an eyebrow. Nodding I leaned on the wall beside him and took a pancake, smearing it with Nutella.

"Ok, so we're just waiting for Alex now," Carlos said.

"Oh, he just texted me. He's getting a ride from June today." Derek responded

Nodding and looking to his phone for the time he gestured that it was time for us to leave.

Nodding I walked outside to his white Mercedes and got in the back seat.


Five minutes later we pulled up to the most prestige looking school I had ever seen.

There were white gates with a sign next to it saying 'Valley View High School'. It led to a tall brick building that looked more like an old-fashioned palace than a high school. There were vines on the walls giving it a more calm look that was then thrown off by the gorgeous fountain in the center.

Looking back and forth from the school to Carlos I started to feel better about my first day. That is, until I remembered that this was high school and I would be the new girl.

It can't be that bad though, right? I thought to myself.

Boy was I wrong.

The minute we walked in all I saw was blonde, blue, Starbucks and curiosity.

The majority of the girls were bleach blonde with blue eyes with a few light haired brunettes with brown eyes. But one thing for sure was they all had a Starbucks cup in their hands and were thin. Along with the fact that all eyes were on me and Carlos, I did not feel comfortable.

Immediately my anxiety took over and I felt out of place in every way. I tried calming myself by saying there was something wrong with my outfit. But looking down to what I was wearing in no way helped me.

I had on a simple pair of light denim skinny jeans with my all black Converses and a dark jean jacket on top of the school shirt with my hair messily curled.

"Damn, you really know how to grab attention" Derek joked

Not responding I heard Carlos say bye for now to Derek before bringing me to the main office.

Once there we got my schedule and student ID allowing me to get to my dreaded classes.

My first class of the day was Creative Writing and I thanked the heavens I had a desirable way to start my day.

As I walked into the classroom everything went silent. Awkwardly I shuffled up to the teacher and told him that I was the new student.

"Ah yes, Ms. Mayra." He said with a look of remembrance

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