~Chapter 4~

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By the time lunch came I was just about done with everyone. I'm not sure if it was all the girls gushing about some actor that was apparently 'So fucking hot looking at his face was orgasm worthy' (their words not mine). Or it could have been the glares every teacher gave me because of my ethnicity. No joke, every teacher here hates me because I look and am hispanic.

When I walked through the cafeteria doors the first thing I saw was Ruby at our table in the corner of the back. She had her lunchbox out and was furiously looking around the room. When she saw me her hands waved at me to join her. Quickening my pace I sat down and met her excited eyes.

"Ok, what major minor accomplishment has happened today that has you so happy" I said to her.

"I MADE TEAM CAPTAIN!"she squealed, making me jump up from my seat and hug her over the table.

"HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT THAT'S GREAT!" I screamed. Ruby was extremely athletic and had been trying out for the place of team captain on our soccer team since freshman year, but because of her friendship with me they never accepted her.

Finally sitting down I heard my stomach grumble, making a sound that was somewhere between a creaking floor and a dying whale. Hearing this she rolled her eyes and split her sandwich giving me half.

"Mayra," she drawled on "you need to eat more. Seriously, use some of the money you get from work to buy your OWN food."

I knew she meant well but no matter what she never would get it. "You know I don't have enough money to pay the bills and splurge."

"But it's not a splurge if you need it. For god sakes Mayra you have... what? Two pairs of jeans and seven shirts?" She whisper-yelled

"Hey! For your information it's actually three jeans and... six shirts. But it's not like I need that many clothes the most extravagant event I go to is family parties." I told her

"Alright, alright I'll back off but you know I'm here if anything right?"

Nodding to her I went back to eating my half slice of pastrami sandwich which tasted like heaven. After a few seconds I started to feel someone's gaze on me, specifically that of someone across from me.

Putting down my sandwich I met her gaze and asked her, "Alright, now what?"

She pointed to my cheek and my hand flew up remembering the slap Rosa gave me. Letting out a sigh she dragged me to the bathroom and took out her first aid kit and started to 'inspect my injuries as she called it'. 

"See Mayra, I don't get it. You stand up for yourself in front of everyone else, but when it comes to Rosa... you just can't." she said to me. I rolled my eyes at her repetitive statement. Each day when I'd come in with a bruise or cut she'd clean me up and ask why I didn't defend myself. And each day I knew no matter what answer I gave her she would never understand.

It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to defend myself, I just froze up and could never bring myself to do anything. When I look into her cold eyes, my mind shuts down and I am never able to bring a hand up to stop a hit, or hit back and call the cops.

"Lift up your shirt." She told me and I did making a gasp slip from her mouth. Looking at the bruises, scars and cuts she verbally observed them examining each injury. "Alright, so you have harsh bruising to the eighth and twelfth ribs, along with shallow cuts along your sternum and sixth rib, but other than that you're alright. I'm going to clean your cuts and then we can get right to class." I smiled as she spoke in her fancy doctoral language. When she gets older Ruby is set on being a doctor for those that have been abused or in the line of danger.


Finally, it was time for my psychology class and two hours until I went home. Walking in I smiled at Mrs. Paige as she bustled to get her papers in order.

"Hi Mrs. Paige." I greeted with a slight cheerfulness to my tone. Mrs. Paige was the only teacher that treated me with respect and was a role model to me. As crazy as it sounds she is there for me and I especially appreciate that with all the hate I get.

"Oh hello Mayra, take a seat. How are you?" She asked, genuine concern on her face.

But I didn't get the chance to answer because the late bell rang and all the students bustled to get to class. You could practically feel the ground shaking.

One hour, twenty three sly comments to the teacher and three paper balls to my head later it was the last period of the day, my free period.  Instead of spending it at a shop or the library like other people might have I rushed to the 'Thinkers Café' across the street to get to work. I had to get to my shift or they would deduct money from my paycheck, and Lord knows I need all the money I could get.

Rushing into the staff room I got changed and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. Quickly I got tobthe back of the counter and started taking orders from customers.

"You're late" Veronica shrilled. She was the daughter of one of the world's kindest people, and my boss, so I by default had to be nice to her.

Right away Suzanna, her mother, came in "Oh stop being so stuck up Verry, she's right on time." She said back to her daughter, then adding with a smile to me "Hi sweetie, thanks for coming in. Ok, so right now I'm going to need you to take orders from the tables since we are p.a.c.k.e.d PACKED!"

Nodding to her I got my apron, notepad and pen and taking my hair out of it's ponytail and off to the side I started taking orders.


Walking home with my five hundred dollar paycheck in bag I felt relieved that I knew I'd be able to pay the rent and bills for the month.

Walking up the block to the apartment building I take in ny familiar surroundings and smile. There is no doubt it is one of the most dangerous places in New York City, but I called it home.

Off to the side there are the middle school stoners standing next to the corner prostitutes, and on the other side of them there's the line of drug dealers in the designated abandoned bodega. But I noticed that everyone was a bit off, the stoners held their cigarettes behind the palm of one hand and the dealers were doing sneaky hand offs. Finally, looking to the middle of the street I saw two cop cars parked with no-one inside.

Why are the cops here?, I thought to myself


AN UPDAAATTTTEEEE ok so maybe I'm a little hype...

Was it too long? Too short? I need you guys/girls/nonbinary people to give me feedback especially since I need to know the usual lenth of future chappies.

Next chappie will be amazing - I hope - there will be a better thing happening and i know that doesnt make sense but I'm half asleep  so please cut me some slack

It will be more happy and good stuff will happen

Thank you all  reading and please VOMANT

Vote, comment, fan and SHARE... share it with all the people you know..

Te amo mis bellos :*


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