~Chapter 1~

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Closing my locker door I start to once again dread walking through the double doors that will have me end up back in the small apartment I once called home. Seeing this my best friend Ruby tries to cheer me up with a nudge on the shoulder and a sympathetic smile telling me "Hey, if you want you can spend some time at my place." I give her a sad smile and respond "You know I would love to but you also know what would happen if I did."

Ever since mami died I've been living with my Aunt Rosa since she is the only direct family member I had. Every day I had to be home by 3:30 and cook her dinner all the while keeping up my grades to maintain my full scholarship to Le Conaissance Academy- one of the highest all girls high schools New York- and before you can even ask, no I'm not a lesbian. Every day Ruby would ask me the same question, -if I wanted to go to her house and hang out for a while- and every day I'd give her the same answer-no-, not because I didn't want to hang out with her in her huge penthouse but because I was too afraid of what would happen to me.

So now as I'm bumping through the halls, hundreds of preppy white girls pushing their way out the doors (probably to get to the nearest Starbucks or expensive boutique) I feel my heart beat quicken as I think once again "What if I don't get back on time?" Now I was running through the halls with my heart beating faster every second passing by that I'm not on the train bringing me home.

When I finally get out I see Ruby getting in her car with the chauffer waiting upfront. I vaguely hear her yell out a goodbye but only focus on getting into the train station and making the twenty minute journey home.


When I arrive home I feel grateful for the silence that fills the tiny one-bedroom apartment. Okay, I think to myself, Rosa's not home yet I still have time. Quickly I get started on making a Chicken Alfredo with sauteed peppers and brussel sprouts with a small side salad. Once I step into the 5" by 6" kitchen an immediate smile forms on my face, cooking is one of the things I am proud to say I'm good at and love to do. Before mami left she made sure that I could take care of myself and knew how to cook and clean well. 'Hey, if this whole education thing doesn't work out I could always be a nanny or maid' I thought to myself, but I knew I would never let that happen. I had to graduate college and get a good career no matter what, I refused to become like many of the women in my family that let their education go to waste.

Once I got out of my thoughts and back to the real world I saw that the chicken was now slightly overdone. Shit, I thought, Rosa would definitely notice that. Not wanting to dwell in what I knew would happen to me I took a quick shower and started my homework. Just as I was halfway through a stressful linear equation I heard the fumble of keys outside the door notifying me my aunt was about to come in. Rushing I heated up her food and set it out on the table, I then procedded to undo the three locks on the door and helped her inside.

"Hello Mayra." she said the instance she entered the apartment. She said my name with such disgust and coldness in her eyes I almost shuddered, but with the other things she's said to me this rolled off my back casually. "Hello Tia Rosa, your food is on the table, if you need anything I'll be over there" I said to her while pointing to the kitchen that had a small dining room attached to it and the living room consisting of one small couch and one larger one that had a TV put up against the wall. I then went on to finish my homwork and once I was done I started on reading the book Ruby gave me the other dat Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I was just starting to get engrossed with Lena and Alex as they ran from the police when I heard a sharp shrill coming from the kitchen that was then followed by a loud "MAYRA!" Ok, I thought to myself like I did each time Tia screamed at me, you knew this was coming just suck it up and it'll be done with before you even know it. Next thing I know I was walking into the kitchen ready to face the beast that was my aunt. Here we go again...

HELLO WONDERFUL HUMANOIDS OF THE INTERNET. I'm pretty sure no one is reading this but oh well. So this is ny first story and I'm trying, I really am. So please give it a chance I have great ideas and hope to show them well....

Sooooo (Everyone says Vomment so imma be different) VOMANT!!! -Vote. Comment, Fan- TE AMO MIS BELLOS!!!:*


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