~Chapter 9~

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The next morning I was feeling extremely confident. Pulling on a pair of ripped jeans and my Timberlands I decided against running and instead slid down the railing and into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning!" I chirped smiling

"Hey Mayra" Carlos and Derek chorused, their mouths full.

Smiling, I stood against the wall just as we heard the front door open. Looking up, the boy from P.E. with grey eyes walked into the kitchen. He had on a leather jacket and a pair of white converse and  white t shirt that showed off his obvious muscles along with regular blue jeans and a smirk.

He slung his arms around both boys, "What's up boys?"

"Nothing much," Carlos responded "oh, and this is-"

"Mayra" he finished smirking "I'm Alex"

"Hi" I simply responded with a hint of attitude and fake smile. Usually I would be nicer to a new person but something about his attitude gave me an 'I'm better than everyone else' vibe which got me annoyed.

Walking to the car Carlos pulled me aside, "Listen Mayra, I'm telling you now that Alex is bad news. He's my best friend and everything but he's also a heartbreaker and-"

"You want me to stay away from him and not get close to him because he's just going to break my heart and then I'll be left in tears blah blah blah blah blah, right?"

Nodding, I got into the back seat where Alex already was. Once I slid into the seat he took no time in leaning in and putting his hand on my knee.

"Nuh uh, " Carlos said as he turned around in his place in the driver's seat "Mayra, switch with Derek. " he commanded

"What? Why?" I asked

"Because I say so"

"Well then I guess it's a great thing I don't listen to you" I retorted

He opened his mouth but I gave him a look that told him to just shut up.

"So, angel" Alex started, swinging his arm around my shoulder

"Don't call me angel," I said, taking his arm off my shoulder and sliding away from him and against the car door.

Up front, I saw Carlos gripping the steering wheel to the point where his knuckles were turning white.

"Aww, come on babe. Don't be like that" Alex cooed coming closer to me, as I moved farther away to the point where I was about to fall out the window.

"Ok! We're here!" Carlos yelled fuming as he pulled into the school parking lot.

"Finally" I breathed out, grabbing my backpack and jumping out the car bolting to the school doors.

Just as I was about to make it in Alex jumped in front of me.

How the hell did he get in front of me so quickly?!

"You're really fast for a girl, damn" he said breathing heavily as he leaned against the door

"One, what do you mean 'for a girl'?" I replied, crossing my arms defensively. I honestly hated it when people underestimated me just because of my gender. "And two, how the hell did you get in front of me so quickly?!"

Chuckling he responded, "There's a shortcut along the side of the school. Now come on angel, Carlos is a bit busy and asked me to bring you to your next class."

I groaned and dragged myself to the first class of the day with him right by my side.

Walking through the halls echoes of hello sounded directly at him. "You're pretty famous huh?" I asked with a small laugh

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