~Chapter 6~

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Running. That was all I could register as I found myself running through the streets. Out of breath. I could hear my constant panting and felt the ache in my legs as I willed them to go on. 

“You can’t escape me!” he yelled in the thick Italian accent I’ve grown to hate

I had to. I had to get away from him, go somewhere anywhere as long as I was away from him and his grabby hands. All of a sudden I felt myself being pulled back and let out a small squeal.

“I told you you couldn’t run” he sneered an evil smirk on his face.

I tried to get out of his grasp but felt someone else behind me put their familiar hands on my throat. With me in place and no way to escape I felt his cold hands go up my shirt and down my pants as a tear slid down my chee 

“You’re so beautiful, see how easy it’ll when you become mine?” he spoke

I felt the air slowly release from my lungs as the person behind me started to shake me. With little life in me I croaked out what I believed to be my last words.

“I’ll never be yours...”

Still the shaking went on but this time it was followed by someone screaming my name

“MAYRA! MAYRA! MAYRA!” I heard beside me

Opening my eyes I lifted my hands to my throat and felt no hands there. With a shaky sigh I looked to my left where Alansa stood looking scared and a tall man with white hair in a tuxedo had his hands on my shoulders.

“Sweetheart, you scared me! Are you alright?” she asked

Suddenly I felt bad, I probably gave her a heart attack with all my screaming.

“I-I’m sorry I really didn’t mean to scare you, It was just a nightmare.” I stammered with my head down while getting out of the limo with my suitcase.

“It’s all right, really I just thought something had happened to you.”

With a stiff nod I lifted my head and dropped my suitcase in awe as I took in the giant house ahead of me.

The mansion had a white house look to it with four floors, two driveways (that led to what I assumed to be the garage), at least five balconies, and a backyard pool. Walking towards the front door I felt warm arms engulf me in a hug. Pulling away I felt a smile rip through my face at the face of Alansa’s husband Diego. He always was a father figure to me and hadn’t changed that much from the last time I saw him, except now he had a few gray hairs popping out 

“Mayra,” he said looking at me “you’ve become such a beautiful woman. Look at you!”

“Thank you Diego.” I responded back politely

“Oh please Mayra, you’re family now, call me tio”

With a small nod I let him guide me into the house that was just as gorgeous on the inside as it was on the outside.


Two hours. That was how long it took us to tour the whole house, and we haven’t even gotten to my room. From what I’ve seen they have a game room, a workout room, a typical living room, a huge kitchen, a band room, a ginormous dining room, eight bathrooms, ten bedrooms, a movie room, a lounge room and tons of other places with purposes I couldn’t have even imagined in my wildest dreams.

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