Chapter 10 -Author-

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You fell asleep from exhaustion by the time the doctors finished running their tests, leaving Keigo to hear the debriefing of your status now, along with Dabi who had arrived just moments before.

"Her vitals are stable, her stats are amazing for someone who's just woke up from a coma; but she'll need some physical and possibly psychological therapy." The doctor went over his chart, holding out a clipboard for Keigo to take a look at. "Other then that, everything seems fine. Now, concerning her amnesia- we think the way you've brought her back is the cause, and frankly, the way her body's been turned back into time is the only plausible explanation. With no trauma to her brain or head that is."

"Is there a way to, y'know, restore her memories or something?" Dabi cut in.

"With no trauma to the head, and the only clear cause of her memory loss is the cause of a time controlling quirk- I'm afraid not."

"So, what are the chances- give me the numbers." Keigo asked with a speck of hope.

"Slim. However I'll advise you to take her to a therapist, a one that specializes in conditions like hers. However, if I remember correctly, you said her memories were wiped by the League but returned after some time?"

"Yeah, we did shoot her up with some shit and locked her memories away- But her quirk was too strong and hell-bent on restoring it. Takes a few weeks without the drugs for everything to come back, according to Overhaul."

Keigo felt like his whole world was ending. You were his world, his world revolves around you, and the regrets that he had been holding on to, just sunk in all the more. 

He promised to take you on a date to the amusement park after patrols- he had to work overtime. He promised to make it up to you, to be home in time for dinner- an emergency popped up. Yet, you understood, forgave him, brushed it off and reheated his portion of the dinner; at two in the morning.

You never once complained about any of that, and the one time you said something concerning his work- Was when he had disappeared for the span of two months. You didn't deserve what he'd said and done to you that day. 

Just how could he forget your empathy, the comfort you gave him, how you were so understanding despite every promise he broke, how you made sure he ate his meals on time when things got busy even if you ate dinner cold, because he had came home late. 

How could he take everything for granted?

"Oi, Keigo snap out of it." Dabi placed a hand on Keigo's right shoulder, sensing something was off. "Hawks?"

"..." Keigo didn't say anything but thanked the doctor, and continued to drag himself back into your hospital room, mumbling something underneath his breath.

He stared quietly at your sleeping figure. Finding comfort in the short, rhythmic breaths you let out, the movement of your chest rising and falling, and then he questioned; was this a way for the gods playing this sick trick to punish him? 

For being selfish? 

For those thoughts lingering his head- he cursed the gods, and he cursed himself for thinking negative thoughts, for being the pessimistic bastard he was.

"Oi, go eat something- and make a trip to your place and clean up, you look like shit." Dabi said.

"I have to stay here, she can wake up at any time- I wanna be here when she wakes up."

"Let the lady get her beauty sleep yeah? Go clean up, and come back all freshened up for the princess." Dabi reasoned out. "C'mon bird brain, you know what to do."

Forcefully dragged out and about, he had no choice but to do what Dabi said; clean up, eat something, and come back with a mindset as good as new.

An optimistic one- hopefully.

. . .

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