Chapter 1 -Y/n-

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Two months.

Two months since his disappearance, no word from him, no message, no call, no-nothing.

'Is he eating well? Is he hurt? Did something go wrong? Was it not a simple mission? I-Is he d-dead?' Toxic, moral consuming thoughts starts to consume me, inside out.

"Hey kid." Speak of the devil. I feel the wind made from the flapping of his wings, he's two, three meters away from me.

The movements of my dangling feet halts, as I focus more on the bird-man approaching me. I can feel the tension in the air as I make no sign of replying. If it was any other day, I'd at least reply with something, but today's not any other day.

Taking the silence and my quiet refusal to speak, he rephrases his words to, "what's wrong kid?"

His golden locks enter my peripheral vision as he tries to get a look at my face, but I stubbornly turn my head to the other side, and my actions alarm him.


"Why...?" I say, letting the question linger in the air for both of us to ponder upon before asking a second time; with context. "You've done this before, but not to this extent."

"Are you mad I left without a word, on a mission?" He repeats my sentence in his own words, furthering my frustrations.

"What do you think?" My voice comes out in a low, accusing tone.

"Baby bird, you know that I can't control the length of my missions." I know that.

"So, you proceed to leave without warning, no heads-up, no message, no calls, no letter, no note. Nothing to comfort your lover, during your mission that went on for two months?"


"I know, I fucking know. You were busy, there was no signal, you were on duty 24/7, blah, blah, blah." If he thinks another excuse from the long list of excuses is somehow going to help him talk his way out of it this time, he's wrong. Very wrong.

"I'm sorry, I'm fucking sorry okay? What do you want me to do?" He snapped, his wings puffing up at every syllable of every word spoken, "you knew from the start; dating a hero like me comes with it's pros and cons. You accepted it regardless. So now you're getting all pissy about one of the cons?"

What a brutal hit.

"I know, and I understand a few weeks, maybe a little more then a month, but two fucking months is just too much Keigo."

"Don't fucking Keigo me." He kissed his teeth, looking at everything there is on the rooftop, except me.

"Fine. Whatever."

"Baby bird-"

"Don't 'baby bird' me." I copy his exact tone, his words, his tactics.

"I said I was sorry didn't I? What else can I do?"

"'What else can I do?' Do you know how worried I was? How much I stressed over whether you were getting three meals a day, if you were safe, or fighting against danger 24/7, if you were getting enough sleep, and the list goes on." I'm losing control of my emotions, not good. "But then you come back just like any other time, like nothing ever happened."

"I didn't ask for your worries, the mission was only a few weeks long, the commission got involved for my reports. They kept me for meeting after meeting, it's not my fucking fault!"

"They told you something about our relationship again didn't they?" I don't think I can handle any other pending confession from him. I turn to him to meet his eyes, the look on his face answers any hopes of me being in the wrong. "The look on your face answers my questions, Keigo."

"I told you not to Keigo me- nevermind that. You know I will never allow the commission get in between my personal relationships, especially ours." He reasoned, carefully placing a comforting hand on the left of my shoulder. "You know I love you right?..."

Suddenly I zone out, a familiar feeling washing over me. A mind-control quirk? From where-

"Loving you losing game." I say, before I even comprehend what's happening, an angry Keigo pointed a finger at me, and words let his mouth, flat and low, but so clear.

"Oh is that how it is? Well then, we were always a losing game."


"Don't. I heard what you said. I'm fucking done with you. We're through." Even though disbelief in his harsh words gives way for a sliver of hope for 'us', but I know deep down, he meant what he said.

Even if he didn't, the accumulation of the hurt we've caused each other; the words that cut deeper than knives and burn more than hellfire is something we can't take back. Then there's the commission's distaste in our relationship.

This is it.

"So is this it? I spend all of the love I've saved, yet 'we were always a losing game'?" I shut down all my nerves, intricately cutting off the ones with relations to my emotions, completely shutting myself off from any kind of human emotion. He doesn't seem to notice my change; maybe he does, and chooses to ignore it.

"Yeah, this is it." He grits his teeth, does he regret something?

Well that's not my problem anymore. "Farewell." I bid my goodbye, walking towards the stairwell. "I hate to leave things misunderstood, but I don't think you deserve an explanation to my sudden outburst. Keigo Takami, you fell for the same cheap trick you've fallen for before."

"What do you mea-" His words cut off from my hearing as I slam the door, my knees giving out from underneath me.

"Fuck the commission, fuck my life. I'm done." The cheap trick they always use, they did this before. They kept Keigo until they put enough of the mind control quirk in his eyes, and once Keigo and I locked eyes, I got mind controlled. "Hah...stupid fucking bird."

"He probably left by now." I slowly rise back onto my feet and head back on to the rooftop. "As I thought."

He did leave.

He really meant it this time.

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