Chapter 12 -Author-

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Your eyes opened to meet the white ceiling, the cringing noise of someone's alarm off in the distance in the other room was the cause of your break from slumber.

Keigo, or as you called him Hawks, was the owner of the phone that was blaring, you got up to wake him up; you had learned the hard way just how useless the alarm was when it came to waking him up.

Maybe you'll surprise him and call him Keigo, tell him about the dream- the return of your memories. But a prank before everything unfolds seemed like a fun idea, to you at least. 

Keigo was enjoying his little dream, where you and him started a family and settled down, it brought a smile to his face. So when you walked in the guest room he temporarily moved into, you were met with a drooling Keigo. Cute or not, you turned his alarm off and decided to give him breakfast in bed like he'd done quite a few times before.

Eggs, waffles, bacon, and some chicken nuggets for Keigo, you took both your plates and carefully carried them to his room.

"Bird brain, wake up." You said as you safely placed the food on his nightstand. "Keigo, come on it's time to get up."

He stirred in his sleep, slowly opening his eyes to meet a figure sitting by him. "Y/n?"

"Morning sleepyhead." You greeted, holding back from laughing at his bed hair. "I made us breakfast."

Keigo was confused, half asleep, disoriented, but one thing he was certain of is that you seemed different- in a good way. Maybe it was you calling him in a somewhat endearing way just like you had-

"Your memories! Is it back?!" He jumped on you.

"Your feathers are going everywhere." You purposefully evaded the question, just to see what his reaction would be.

"My- Answer my question! Don't ignore me!" He was frantic, worried, relieved, ecstatic- and hopeful.

"Mhm. I remember our fight, my involvement with Dabi, the LoV, Overhaul- but that doesn't matter. What matters the most is- I finally remember you." You couldn't hold back the tears and neither could Keigo.

Overwhelmed by emotions, both of you cried. Keigo was the first to break the silence as he pulled you into his embrace, whispering, babbling words that didn't make sense into your shoulders. Nothing mattered now, nothing mattered more then this moment.

"I'm so- I'm so glad. So glad I-" He said between his uncontrollable sobs.

"It's okay Keigo, everything's okay. You've gone through a lot. Thank you for not giving up on me- on us." You hugged him closer if that was even possible, you felt your shirt getting damper with Keigo's tears and maybe some snot.

"It was my fault, I-"

"Don't blame yourself for this!" You smacked him across the head. It was one thing for Keigo to apologize from some guit, but blaming himself for everything was not alright.

"Maybe you did change a bit- that's the first time you hit me." Keigo jokes.

"Stop joking around! You ruined our moment!" Even though your words contradicted what they actually meant, Keigo understood the hidden meaning. "All jokes aside, please don't blame yourself for anything okay?"

Although Keigo didn't answer vocally, his affirmative nod and a light kiss on your neck provided the closure you needed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said back then." Keigo spoke after he had calmed down enough.

"I know Keigo, I know. I've already forgiven you." You said as Keigo's tears threatened to fall again. "Don't cry Keigo, you're gonna make me cry again."

"I just...I just remember all the times I missed dinner and made you stay up late after you probably spent hours making the food. And- I canceled so many dates, broke so many promises, but you still stayed- I don't think I deserve you."

"Keigo, stop." You warned. "Look at me."

Keigo didn't listen and turned his face away, but you weren't going to take no for an answer.

"Keigo!" You shouted, and when he flinched and faced you, you could see fresh tears trailing down his face. "Don't you ever think- Ever! Think that you aren't worth it. You are worth everything and everyone. You deserve all the things that you have and more. So don't say things like that again- it breaks my heart. It hurts me more than anything."

You palmed his cheeks in each hand, wiping away his tears with your thumbs, peppering light kisses all over his face. He didn't say it, but what you had said and these small actions greatly affected him, he was so grateful to have someone like you.

"Thank you for being the one who stays, for loving me, for keeping us together, for showing me hope, love, and kindness- thank you for the new life you have breathed into me. I really love you, Y/n."

"I love you more Keigo, way more then you."

"You can't possibly love me more than I love you!" Keigo fought back, the war on who loves who more- ignited.

But it didn't matter who won, because the two of you ended up shushing each other with kisses, and showed how much love you have for each other with passionate actions of love.

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