Hunter!Dreamx (F) Hunter!Reader

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Thought id do 2 hunters for that diverse situation

Bad, dream, Y/N and Sapnap are the only hunters (sorry ant ☹)
This focuses less on gameplay and more on relationship.

Everyone hustled around the campsite that was set up. The person currently running away, someone foolish enough.

They wore a yellow colored cap, a blue shirt and white glasses. Of course, george. No one knew why, but one of the blacksmiths put him up for money.

"I cant believe he said that to you."

Y/N looked up from her spot on the logs by the fire, right outside the 2 tents now perfectly set up.

She smiled, knowing someone felt the same.

"Well, i cant really blame him." The girl said back to the masked man in a green hoodie.

"What do you mean, Y/N he called you a useless whore!"
(Dont take this in the wrong way, i have no idea what george would say in a serious manner.)

"I mean, i am useless-"

"No! Im not hearing it!" He crossed his arms until she begged to differ.


"What are you guys talking abooouuut?" Bad smiled, pitching in.

"George called her a whore!"




Y/N and Sapnap were out to collect ores for the rest of the squad.

"Sooooo?" Sapnap cooed to the woman.


"Dreams getting all cozy to youu~!" Sapnap patted her shoulder, smirking.


"You heard me!"

She stopped in her tracks, just to avoid the question. "Look!" She whispered yelled at sapnap, grabbing his scarf to drag him down low.

"Hes got..iron armor and an enchanted sword." Sapnap observed the male further infront the plains around them.

It was a peaceful surrounding. Flowers and bees scattered everywhere.

One of the bees went to a flower near george, flying around him examining his sword.

"Shiny, right little bee?" He laughed, waved it around for the bee to observe. The bee hummed in response, leaving his flowers to stare at the marvelous shining sword.

Y/Ns heart hurt to do what she had chosen to, she readied her unenchanted bow, equipped with an arrow of poison.

It wouldn't kill her target, thats the plan. Just give him a fright so they can mine and collect resources.

She pulled back the arrow laced with poison, readying it on the bow and aimed upward. With near perfect trajectory, she watched the arrow fly right through the sky, twirling down to hit the bee.

The bee immediately began taking damage, sadly worrying Y/N. She felt a pang in her chest everytime she saw the bee wince in pain, hearing a tiny cry.

George backed up, looking around him, but Sapnap and Y/N hid behind trees. The British man was so caught up in showing the cute bee his sword, he completely disregarded his surroundings.

He ran where he came from, which luckily wasnt Y/N and Sapnaps direction. Sapnap watched intently at the bee, then back at the direction where george ran off to.

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