I Still Want To

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I still want to tell you how my day went by. What I did and what I felt the whole day.

I still want to tell you where I am and what am I doing but by doing that, I feel like I'm disturbing you.

I still want to ask you how your day went, what you did or where did you go but I was too afraid to know where you've been.

I still want to send you random pictures and selfies. I just like bugging you and it seems okay back then, but not now. Not now that you have her.

I still want to tell you my concerns, my problems and my worries but you can't handle two overthinking girls right?

I wanted to tell you that I fainted at the church. I wanted to hear you nag at me for that I can see how concern you are.

I sent you a message then unsent it. But I didn't got a reply from you asking what it is when months ago, you would bug me for every message that I unsent.

You said that you're still gonna be here. That you'll still take care of me and hear my worries but this time, it's really painful. It hurts to think that it feels like we lost our connection.

I lost you, I lost my best friend.

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