When You Left

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When I was left alone, I ask myself many questions in which I can't find the answers to.

I asked myself, "Why was I always left alone? Why after all the things we've been through, I was the only one left here? Why did I let this happen?"

Being with you was the best memory of my life. All the things we did, all the things we said and all the things we shared, they are etched in my memory forever no matter how much I try to forget it.

When you left me, your traces became an indelible ink in my existence. Your presence still lingers even if it is already been years. I can still smell your scent in the clothes I wore when I was with you. Your voice still echoes in my ears every time I hear someone laugh.

When you left, you only did not bring yourself but you also brought a part of me. And I do not know how will I be able to take it back because it is already yours. You have captivated me so when you had to leave, you brought my heart with you.

Days after you left, I was devastated. I didn't know what to do. I know you're already pursuing another life, but I was still here, dreaming of the life we both dreamed to have. It's painful, it's suffocating every time I remember you.

There will be days when I will cry myself to sleep because of your absence but I know, I truly know that you are out there living your best life. And realizing that, I breathe and move forward no matter how difficult it is.

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