My Mirror

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I guess you can call yourself my mirror.
When I'm with you, I got the urge to hug you and break down in front of you.
With you, I feel like I don't have to hide anything.
You always make me feel I am worth it. You do the things I least expect you to do. You do it effortlessly. From volunteering to carry something I can to encouraging me when I have bad times. You always make me feel the best.

You always let me feel that my time with you is worth it. You take care of me and make sure I am still walking in a straight line.

I know I'm lying if I deny what I feel. But this thing that we have, I can't risk it. This friendship is the best I can ever have. You and our time together, I will not regret anything. I will accept whatever fate decides upon us.

You are my very best friend, someone who I can lean on. No matter what people say about us, you will always be the best thing I never had, wholeheartedly.

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