The Curse

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It doesn't stop when you want it to end. It just, it doesn't.

No matter how much you want to end it, it doesn't stop. It doesn't disappear. It doesn't go away from you.

That's love. It's delusional and purely based on emotion that destroys the human thoughts and ideals.

When you feel it, it consumes you. And when it consumes you, you want it to end, you want to feel nothing.

But do you? Do you feel nothing when you want to? No. You don't. We don't.

It doesn't end just because I want it to. It stays everywhere. I see it and I feel it everyday. And no matter how much I hurt myself for thinking about it, it still doesn't stop.

That's the curse of love. The curse of feeling.

And what's more frightening? Sometimes, the cure to that curse is love itself.

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