༅ 18. A New Nightmare

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OH AND What better way to start a new arc than reading a chapter of 11,000 words that narrated a one hour scene? ;)

Under The Light, Part 1: A New Nightmare

Year 844

Everything felt so fast yet so slow. The world never stopped turning but the mind never stopped reminiscing.

For one moment, Vanya was no more than a brittle 21-year-old, whose heart and mind were so fragile and weak as her bones that could no longer support her.

But suddenly, she was 10 again with eyes studded with hope, her mind as bright as the sun, and her heart so vehement drawn by the afterglow of her youth.

"Mama, is that all the bread we have?" the 10-year-old asked with a pout as she greedily licked off every crumb on her plate.

"I'm afraid so, sweetheart," Lily frowned as she thought about the empty and dusty pantry along with the prospect of having to endure another harsh winter in starvation.

"But I'm still..."


Vanya wanted to say it but realized how selfish and ungrateful it seemed when her mother already gave her last slice of bread to the younger girl without hesitation. Vanya could still hear the growling of her mother's stomach, which only made the guilt in her chest worsen.

"Here, take mine." Cedric, who just turned 16 years old, slid his last slice of his precious share onto his sister's plate.

Vanya's eyes widened, her gaze shifting back and forth from the bread to her brother in shock.

"B-but you haven't eaten anything today..."

The smile that appeared on Cedric's face was soft and melancholic as he ruffled his sister's bangs. "As long as you're eating, I'll be fine."

The young girl bit her lips. She was about to protest when a familiar knock on their front door interrupted her.

Lily, Cedric, and Vanya all turned their heads with curious expressions.

"Now who could that be?" the mother asked albeit already knowing who it was when the corners of her lips stretched and her tone teasing at its end.

Vanya's eyes instantly lit up, sparkling with excitement as she jumped off her chair and dashed to the door. When she pulled the door open, she gasped at the person who greeted her with a warm smile.


The girl instantly attacked the handsome man with a hug as Edward chuckled delightedly, embracing his daughter back.

"Goodness, did my little bug get prettier?" Edward cheekily said, kneeling down to inspect Vanya's face.

"You just saw me last week, papa," the girl rolled her eyes as he tugged at his arm and dragged him giddily into the house.

When they both stood at the dining area, Lily was already on her feet and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. "Welcome home, darling," she whispered, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"I missed you," Edward kissed her cheek back as his lovestruck eyes beamed at her like his wife was the most beautiful gemstone one has ever laid their eyes on.

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