༅ 22. Through The Withdrawal

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Under the Light, Part 5: Through The Withdrawal

Year 844

"Stop fidgeting, Vanya. It's unbecoming for a young lady."

Victoria's cold and crisp voice pierced through the awkward silence that ensued in the sumptuous carriage they were riding in.

"And for heavens' sake, sit up straight."

"Mother, stop it!"

"And you're no even better, my child. You ought to control your mouth and the amount of feathers you put on your head piece -- it's atrocious, Alice. Discard it right away once we get home."

Alice gasped in offense but didn't do anything to remove the feathers on her hair as she shot Victoria a look of contempt from her seat beside the old woman. "Since when have you ever taken a notice of the things I wear and make, much more, care about it?"

It only made Vanya slump further into her seat across the elegant pair who were staring down at each other with such vexation. The redhead could never ever imagine herself exchanging words with her own mother in a similar hateful manner -- what a despicable act would that be.

She wouldn't actually think that Victoria and Alice were even related if it weren't for her initial meeting with her half-sister. But the more Vanya scrutinized their features, their blonde hair and chiseled features did have such an uncanny resemblance. And their manner of bickering was just too similar and domineering like two falcons hounding at each other that Vanya couldn't help but cower during the whole ride.

"Vanya, I said, sit up straight, there's nothing more that irks me than having to repeat myself." Victoria berated the girl once again but even more severely. "And, goodness, you're drenched in sweat! You best wipe that off before you soak this whole carriage," she spat.

But Vanya was too lethargic to comprehend anything at this point. She didn't even have the energy to talk back at the old woman no matter how tempting it was. Three months had already passed since she was first admitted to the hospital, enduring through countless treatments, and rigorous sessions of physical therapy. Now, she was finally discharged when the results of her examination presented that her bones were now healed, albeit it would take a few more days for her to get used to standing upright on her own on both feet.

And though the papers say she was already healthy and cured, deep down it felt like the opposite.

Vanya tried to straighten her posture and wipe the sweat off of her face with the sleeves of her shabby dress. But somehow, she felt too weak to even raise her arms, and sitting up straight seemed like a difficult task when an invisible force was weighing her down.

Pity drew itself all over Alice's face when she witnessed the frail state of her younger sister. She snapped at her mother with a glare, "You musn't chastise her, mother. You, of all people, should know how painful withdrawal is."

"Withdrawal?" Vanya wondered out loud. And what did Alice mean when she said Victoria should know how painful it was?

She began to shiver. Suddenly, her skin prickled with coldness and chills that she instinctively wrapped her arms around her body. It was a bizarre sensation; she was sweating buckets yet the temperature around her felt icy even if the sun outside was blazing its summer heat onto Stohess.

She then asked Alice and Victoria, sitting in front of her and looking unfazed by whatever heat or coldness she was feeling. "Doesn't it strangely feel cold in here...?"

"No, it's just you experiencing symptoms of withdrawal," said Victoria rather brusquely.

"Withdrawal from what?"

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